R.I.P. Jagermeister (Not FJR Board Member)

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2006
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Richmond, KY
So, this morning after almost 18.5 years on this Earth my Jack Russell Terrier had finally had enough. Last night, while outside he had a stroke. We spent the entire night by his side, knowing that if he was still alive in the morning, we would have to put him down. Well, he made it and early this morning we had to make one final trip to the vet. He was tough to the end, but couldn't beat this one.

Besides making it to the ripe old age of 18.5, this dog had also ridden the continental divide in the back of a bike trailer (occassionally running by the side), did many, many loops on the local MTB trails with me, running 8+ miles before deciding to give it a rest and dug more than his fair share of holes. His alltime favorite passion was being tossed over the fence to play with horses and cows...he could dissappear for hours on end playing that game.

R.I.P Jagermeister....you will be missed.

October 16, 1989-Feburary 2, 2008

Jagey in Retirement on the farm


I have this horse right where I want him!




Jagey's Final Nap in the bed


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Sorry to hear of your loss. I had a Border Collie and she died in my arms a few years ago. They truly are man's best friend.

Condolences for sure,you're bound to miss him alot! He had a long life, and I've no doubt a full one, as few breeds approach life w/ more gusto & enthusiasm that the JRT! Those other animals are gonna get all complacent if there's no one around to harass them, so you'll have get another pup once the pain subsides a bit! Hang in there!

They are not pets...they become part of the family. Sorry for the hole he has left in your family's heart, but at least he shared a full life with you.

18 Years! What a life. You were lucky to have him so long. Hopefully knowing that helps with the healing process. I know its a hard one....

What a cool looking kid! I had a miniture beagle female named Honey that my parents got me when I was 9 years old and she lived 18 years as well. Thats a long time! I recently lost my female beagle Deeder which I had for 14 years that was a rescue animal that was one day from being put away by the pound when she was rescued. It's tough loosing our kids, they are kids really, but the time we had together with them is so prescious. You can't take that away ever. Prayers for you guys. Good night sweet friend until we meet again. PM. <>< :thumbsup:

Sorry to hear that man. I have an 8 year old Boston Terrier and would hate to lose him, they become part of the family.

Thanks all, for the notes. It's been a long night getting used to not having him around. I accidentally left the garage door open all night because I am so use to having to let him go out to pee every hour or so. I automatically went into the bedroom last night looking for his diaper to put on him...guess old habits die hard.

He truely had it made here on the farm as we call it, in fact I buried him right on the fence line for the farm and as I was digging the hole, several cows wandered over and just sat there wachting me...very odd feeling b/c they normally dont do this.

Jagermeister- I see you are in Louisville. I used to ride over there a lot on business however we recently moved it to Nashville so I dont make the trips as often as I used to. Would love to meet up sometime for a Ind/KY ride...perhaps at the April ride Keith has organized in Natural Bridge? We are likely going to do that one, if I get off my butt and get a hotel room.

So Sorry to hear of your loss.

You were blessed to have that boy for 18+ years.

You've got good memories to reflect back on.Peace to you and your family at this time.

We are with you man....and so is Jager.

He would be crazy to go anywhere else after having such a great life....

So, this morning after almost 18.5 years on this Earth my Jack Russell Terrier had finally had enough. Last night, while outside he had a stroke. We spent the entire night by his side, knowing that if he was still alive in the morning, we would have to put him down. Well, he made it and early this morning we had to make one final trip to the vet. He was tough to the end, but couldn't beat this one.
Besides making it to the ripe old age of 18.5, this dog had also ridden the continental divide in the back of a bike trailer (occassionally running by the side), did many, many loops on the local MTB trails with me, running 8+ miles before deciding to give it a rest and dug more than his fair share of holes. His alltime favorite passion was being tossed over the fence to play with horses and cows...he could dissappear for hours on end playing that game.

R.I.P Jagermeister....you will be missed.

October 16, 1989-Feburary 2, 2008

Jagey in Retirement on the farm


I have this horse right where I want him!




Jagey's Final Nap in the bed

Sorry to hear of your loss, I know how you feel as I lost my little dog last year.

Mans best friend is a tough order to fill when they go to that "great doogie heaven" in the sky.

Take care,
