Radar Detectors

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Well-known member
Oct 24, 2005
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Huntington Beach, CA
I've only once owned a radar detector, many years ago and AFAICT it never did me any good at anything other than letting me know when grocery store doors were nearby.

I'm reconsidering that and thinking about buying one (perhaps in part because the wife and I are going to go to Oregon & Washington soon and there are cops with radar out there like no tomorrow, if last year's experience serves. I *really* don't want a performance bonus, but damned if I want to do 55 either. (Are they legal there?)

Anyway, I've seen a number of discussions about the topic but the search function isn't helping a lot today.

1) Do you have one? What brand? Happy with your choice?

2) Has it saved you tickets? More importantly, perhaps, has it ever *failed* to save you from a ticket?

3) How well do you hear it over wind noise, ear plugs, etc?

4) Where did you mount yours? Anything to argue against a stealth install? Any brands that are better or worse with regard to that?

5) There is no number 5.

Thanks in advance, as always!


Rancho Cucamonga, CA

One thing to keep in mind with Laser and I get this from members here and speaking with a cop personally.

Cops are using a instant on technique with Laser to avoid detection. If you have someone in front of you that gets the award you may get notice. Constantly use your head to possible areas for cops to be with any of these.

Over hills around turns. I am pretty good at watching traffic patterns and avoiding but it is the time you let your guard down and you get the award..

Good luck

PS a lot have them on here and sure they will chime in with their experiences sooner or later. many swear by them on here.

I personally have never owned one and in 3 years haven't had a ticket until recently. I was coming over a hill in WV at 12:30am and wasn't even thinking about a cop and bam, awarded. He didn't give me an inch either. 16 over the speed limit, 5 points and almost $200. I am going to court but it sucks. Again, if I had just been paying attention I would have avoided it but I wasn't. Around here in many areas they aren't legal and figured they would just get me in more trouble.

The one cop I spoke to on a Hyabusa actually showed me a heads up display inside his helmet that was a laser detector. Really trick but didn't get the name of it.

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The #1 radar detector of choice among the Endurance Riding community - guys that know a thing or two about this subject - is the Valentine One. This is the favorite detector by a large margin.

Not inexpensive, but mine has paid for itself 10X over in avoiding citations and the usual increase in insurance costs.

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To bolster Warchild's points (we're both Washintonians by the way) the V1 is the top of the heap IMO. The Passport 8500 is also good. I run a 7500 in my cage.

It's true that at speeds you most need the device is also the speed it's hardest to hear the thing. I can't hear mine with earplugs over 75. What is nifty is a $60 to $100 gadget that GUARANTEE will get your attention even in the brightest summer day. Marc Parnes Visual Alert

Still can't hear, but those LEDs will grab your attention. You actually have to unplug it at dusk or will blind yourself.

Going beyond that would be to plug into a set of earphones to actually hear sound. That's another topic, but would search on things like "mix-it" "Etymotic ER-6" "starcom" "autocom", etc.

I've started with mine on a shelf, tried it in the tank bag and forget laser, and probably going to move it back to the brake master with some waterproof housing.....but I've gone to the Starcom level with cables and goodies.

Finally, a word about our Washington State Patrol. They've had a new chief dude in the past couple years (met him last night coincidentally) and he's emphasizing traffic patrols way more than they did just a couple of years ago. They're getting more and more laser and love to setup teams on the Interstates. Ellensburg had 4 of them on I-90 last weekend. They also have a variety of stealthy rigs including a fleet of various colored 4 door Impalas (had a slight misunderstanding with a beige one near Kaholotus). Or worse the stunningly sneaky white turbo Volvo station wagon near Spokane that's good at pacing, a slammed Suburban that must be from a drug seizer, or the new super-duper tinted Dodge Magnum in Tri-Cities that has Satan driving it.

Oh, and there are teams of BMW riders wandering around with laser guns too. They love our Highway 240 in Tri-Cities.

That all said, they are very courteous and professional when they pull you over......even if your balloon knot aches after the ass-pounding ticket you get.... :blink:

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The V1 for sure is top of the line, but with a total of $450.00 needed in order to get a plug-in for a sound output, was a little more than I wanted to spend.

For around $300 I got the Escort Passport X-50 with a hard wire kit and a 3 year factory warranty. (as part of a small GB I ran recently)

The X50 has been working well and has most definitely saved my hide now more than once. Though it is not advertised as the V-1 is to have a rear view sensor, I have been routinely picking up CHP's from behind with ample time to slow down.

I am new to radar detectors and with what I have, I'm not sure the extra $150 investment is really necessary for my type of riding habbits. But I'll let you know the first ticket I might get. :D

Valentine V-1 -

Hands down winner.

As for laser - pretty much - unless you are in heavy traffic where there might be some bounce off - you are pretty cooked if you get hit. Laser IS instant on. The good thing is that they need to be stationary to use it.

The V-1 offers directional information. I find this invaluable. Knowing if something is coming from behind or sitting out in front is good information to have.

Yep - if you are on an empty road and the LEO uses instant on - the V1 or any other detector wont help. This can be a problem on infrequently traveled roads. however, if there is much for traffic -you will usually get a braaaap warning out in front.

My only complaints with Valentie are:

1. Weather susceptability - it just doesn't like the rain

2. the need for headphone accessory to plug into

3. larger than some

4. it can give a warning so far out in front that you begin to believe that it must have been a mistake.

go V-1 - you wont be sorry.

but you still need to use some common sense out there.

I don't have mine mounted on my 06, yet - still trying to figure that out.

only thing you need to know about radar detectors is Valentine One (V-1).
Once you have used the arrows you are hooked but not caught.
I've read that a number of times, but don't get it so I'll let you clear it up. :D

Why do the arrows matter? Does it matter where the radar is as long as you avoid it?


Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Arrows matter because you don't know if the LEO is in front/behind/beside of you otherwise... or if there are multiple bogeys, whether 1 is in front, and 2 behind, etc.... Say your radar is going off, with 2 targets id'd... you pass a LEO and a grocery store... is that all of them? What if there's another one over the next hill? You might be inclined to say that what you saw was "it" and start to wick it up... when in reality, that cop was eating a donut on his break, the grocery store doesn't have automatic doors, and there's a trap right over that upcoming hill...

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Reading more on some sportbike forums laser may not get a fix on you far enough away. When they do instant on it will register on the V1 but the cop may not be close enough to get a speed reading. This will give you time to slow down before the second hit.

People who have actually used it might comment on this???

Arrows matter because you don't know if the LEO is in front/behind/beside of you otherwise... or if there are multiple bogeys, whether 1 is in front, and 2 behind, etc....
Exactly so!

And you wouldn't believe the number of times this "directional" feature has saved my ass from being thrown in jail for the rest of my natural life. Particularly the way some of the "wolfpack" tactics the WSP is using lately to curtail speeds.

Just like in actual warfare, to be successful when engaging in electronic warfare, you need to know where the enemy is at all times, trust me. B)

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One thing of note on Laser detection... a number of the upscale sedans/SUVs these days have systems that maintain a safe following distance from other vehicles... they just so happen to use a frequency of laser light that sets off the V1... bothersome, but fairly easy to identify when your Laser warning goes off continuously for 3 miles while being followed by the SUVwhatever...

Anybody here using the LazerBlinders as seen on radarbusters.com? I'm thinking of getting a set for the front/rear of the bike, but they're pricey....

Anybody here using the LazerBlinders as seen on radarbusters.com? I'm thinking of getting a set for the front/rear of the bike, but they're pricey....
Dude. Be careful. It's these kind of off-topic comments that will hijaak this thread and make one of us admins put it in Never-Ending-Pointless-Threads.

This thread is about radar detectors. Not jamming devices. Go start another thread if you want to talk about them.

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I don't run one on the bike, but in the cage I've got a Bel unit (forget model number). It's probably not as nice as the V1 in a lot of ways, but it's a perm-install type unit with remote front and rear sensors, and a laser sensor. The display units is small and can be mounted out of outside view in the cab (or on the bike). No big suction cupped detector on the windshield, all hard-wired, and nearly invisible from the outside.

I've only gotten one laser hit with it ever, and I never saw the officer. Being in the backwoods of a poor state, I don't think there's too many laser units in my area.

Don't become dependant or reliant on it either. It's only another tool, not a magic device that warns you every time!

For that, you should build a police car detector. Monitors the wireless frequency the in-car computer operates on, and can give something like 2 miles radius. Plans found online.

Oh yeah, one of the best toys I ever had was a radar-detector-setter-offer. Someone giving you problems, and you see the detector in the window, hit a button and they fall behind quickly. Also good for making bad drivers straighten up and fly right (reapply often).

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Arrows matter because you don't know if the LEO is in front/behind/beside of you otherwise... or if there are multiple bogeys, whether 1 is in front, and 2 behind, etc....
Exactly so!

And you wouldn't believe the number of times this "directional" feature has saved my ass from being thrown in jail for the rest of my natural life. Particularly the way some of the "wolfpack" tactics the WSP is using lately to curtail speeds.

Just like in actual warfare, to be successful when engaging in electronic warfare, you need to know where the enemy is at all times, trust me. B)
Rest of your natural life? For shame, Warchild. Why not just use your PHIDs to overpower his laser or punch holes in his tires? :D *Engage Dukes of Hazzard them music, Luke* B)

Is there a good way to mount the V1 to the brake or clutch master cylinder? I'm going to break down & get the V1 and already have a TomTom GPS that I'm very fond of. I don't want to get the accessories shelf, so that leaves me thinking I mount one to the brake master cyl, the other to the clutch master cyl. Thoughts of good ways to mount them that won't bounce loose, :( but can be easily removed when she's parked?

Thanks again!


Rancho Cucamonga, CA

I bought the X50 in the group buy. It saves me several times a week just commuting to work. I have only once been hit by laser and I was warned long before I spotted the LEO who was shooting it at me. I was able to take about 15mph off in a hurry and did not get a 'performance bonus', so I would say that you can even beat the laser under the right circumstances. My only complaint is that I have to use a set of wired earphones in order to hear the detector go off. Some sort of wireless headset would be very nice.

On the other hand, my daughter was driving my car which has a radar detector and still got caught speeding. The LEO was hiding between two buildings and shooting straight across the highway so she did not get any advance warning from the detector. The X50 is much more sensitive than the low end BelTronix in the car and may have picked up the radar in time, who knows...... Anyway, she gave him her best smile and drove off with a warning.

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Sorry I don't have a mount for you - but I've used Dual Lock (sometimes called Super Lock) Velcro available in many places, but I've always bought it at Radio Shack (Dumb looks are free TM).

When used - when you press something into dual lock - it pretty much stays. In fact - on my old bike I had to cut down the dual lock strip (about 2" long) to 1" squares - because if you use all 2" on the radar detector and the shelf --- it is too hard to remove the case from the shelf.

I used to have a Bel unit that was mounted the same way - I used two strips of dual lock on the shelf and the detector. One day I pulled the detector and had to pull it so hard that it split the case in half - leaving half stuck to the shelf !!!!

Dual Lock is good stuff. If you are real paranoid - it is probably a good idea to tether the detector to something.
