Radar Detectors

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FJR Farkles Another angle on mounting the Escort X50. Used the short RAM arm (1 3/4") mounted in un-used LH mirror mount. I use a 1 1/2" X 11" piece of velcro strap around the entire unit as secondary security and mounted a H.A.R.D. transmitter with velcro up front. The steel plate (for magnetic base) attaches with self-adhesive and has been rock solid, but is easily removed for when I'm away from my bike. Not sure if any board vendors sell the RAM stuff, but a good source is Click Here
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FJR Farkles Another angle on mounting the Escort X50. Used the short RAM arm (1 3/4") mounted in un-used LH mirror mount. I use a 1 1/2" X 11" piece of velcro strap around the entire unit as secondary security and mounted a H.A.R.D. transmitter with velcro up front. The steel plate (for magnetic base) attaches with self-adhesive and has been rock solid, but is easily removed for when I'm away from my bike. Not sure if any board vendors sell the RAM stuff, but a good source is Click Here
I started out with mine mounted on a Tech Mount that goes in that same place on the clutch handle. I found it was too close to me and difficult to see the display. I think I would have the same complaint if I had it on the brake reservoir. Now I have it on an ECM shelf and I like it much better there.

I've only once owned a radar detector, many years ago and AFAICT it never did me any good at anything other than letting me know when grocery store doors were nearby.
I'm reconsidering that and thinking about buying one (perhaps in part because the wife and I are going to go to Oregon & Washington soon and there are cops with radar out there like no tomorrow, if last year's experience serves. I *really* don't want a performance bonus, but damned if I want to do 55 either. (Are they legal there?)

Anyway, I've seen a number of discussions about the topic but the search function isn't helping a lot today.

1) Do you have one? What brand? Happy with your choice?

2) Has it saved you tickets? More importantly, perhaps, has it ever *failed* to save you from a ticket?

3) How well do you hear it over wind noise, ear plugs, etc?

4) Where did you mount yours? Anything to argue against a stealth install? Any brands that are better or worse with regard to that?

5) There is no number 5.

Thanks in advance, as always!


Rancho Cucamonga, CA
You might want to peek at this thread


If you really need total coverage, you'll need a CB, and scanner. In the thread above shows my scanner I got from Uniden that monitors the transponder strength of the patrol car, plane, motorcycle. There has been some debate whether it monitors the digital side, and all I can say is, I am warned when they are in the vicinity, and I can hear there conversation when they have there radar or laser off. The CB is usually to hear if the truckers spot a DOT or smokey in the area. But if you really want to save money, keep it under 9mph over the speed limit when your gut feeling kicks in.

Well, LEO nailed me tonight. Had my Escort 8500 on and wired to my helmet. Detector never went off because he said he "clocked" me at 65 in 45. I was manuevering in medium traffic at an area where two choke down to one. Twisted hard, dropped in a slot and settled down. About 1/4 mile later he comes from behind and blue lights.

Gave me a good lecture about how my radar detector was like a bank robber wearing a ski mask into a bank. Didn't try to hide it from him. Besides, had it sitting up on the ECM shelf for all the world to see. Think that might have pissed him off a bit?

Anyway, I can (now) see some benefit to a stealth install. But I'm not likely to go through all that just yet. (Slow learner).


Why not just put it in your tank bag. My V1 has been in my tank bag for a few years and I use a visual led on the brake resevoir. Hasn't failed yet and nobody knows its there. Plus if stopped turn it off and the LEO doesn't see it .

I've used my 8500 on bikes for several years with great success. Only one ticket and that because I was stupid, not the fault of the 8500.

I would NEVER knock the V1. It's reputation in the LD community is well deserved. However, two features of the 8500 are often overlooked by those that haven't actually used one:

1) Voltage display - A nice to have.

2) "Expert" mode - This tracks up to 7 signals simultaneously and sorts them by type. While not as clever as the arrows, it does allow you to avoid the "cop sitting in front of the supermarket" trap.

When you add up the fact that the 8500 is significantly cheaper to buy and install on a motorcycle than the V1, it's worth considering.




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I've used my 8500 on bikes for several years with great success. Only one ticket and that because I was stupid, not the fault of the 8500.
I would NEVER knock the V1. It's reputation in the LD community is well deserved. However, two features of the 8500 are often overlooked by those that haven't actually used one:

1) Voltage display - A nice to have.

2) "Expert" mode - This tracks up to 7 signals simultaneously and sorts them by type. While not as clever as the arrows, it does allow you to avoid the "cop sitting in front of the supermarket" trap.

When you add up the fact that the 8500 is significantly cheaper to buy and install on a motorcycle than the V1, it's worth considering.

Amen & +1 to all of that! :thumbsupsmileyanim:


I've used my 8500 on bikes for several years with great success. Only one ticket and that because I was stupid, not the fault of the 8500.

I would NEVER knock the V1. It's reputation in the LD community is well deserved. However, two features of the 8500 are often overlooked by those that haven't actually used one:

1) Voltage display - A nice to have.

2) "Expert" mode - This tracks up to 7 signals simultaneously and sorts them by type. While not as clever as the arrows, it does allow you to avoid the "cop sitting in front of the supermarket" trap.

When you add up the fact that the 8500 is significantly cheaper to buy and install on a motorcycle than the V1, it's worth considering.

Amen & +1 to all of that! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

Great thread thanks and kudos to all..I just saw a stealth setup service on ebay under val 1 by eurotek designs (N.Y.) done just like FJRRichies Datel voltmeter in mirror setup real slick!!!

I was wondering if any of you w/ detectors have the 3m reflective tape on your bikes? I've been told that it'll make you easier to hit w/radar by leo's. I'm getting a detector, but now I'm not sure about putting the reflective tape onto the rear of the bags. Thanks

I've only once owned a radar detector, many years ago and AFAICT it never did me any good at anything other than letting me know when grocery store doors were nearby.
I'm reconsidering that and thinking about buying one (perhaps in part because the wife and I are going to go to Oregon & Washington soon and there are cops with radar out there like no tomorrow, if last year's experience serves. I *really* don't want a performance bonus, but damned if I want to do 55 either. (Are they legal there?)

Anyway, I've seen a number of discussions about the topic but the search function isn't helping a lot today.

1) Do you have one? What brand? Happy with your choice?

2) Has it saved you tickets? More importantly, perhaps, has it ever *failed* to save you from a ticket?

3) How well do you hear it over wind noise, ear plugs, etc?

4) Where did you mount yours? Anything to argue against a stealth install? Any brands that are better or worse with regard to that?

5) There is no number 5.

Thanks in advance, as always!


Rancho Cucamonga, CA
:D I use an Escort X50 on a Techmount mounting system. The techmount replaces the main center nut on the steering post and has a small platform on a post. The X50 velcro's to it. It sits level and between the clutch and brake master cylinders and even at high speeds there is no problem hearing it. I found the techmount for the FJR 1300 in the J.C. Whitney catalog and even though the 2006 model is not listed it fits mine perfectly.

My Valentine resides in a pouch in the side of my rear seat bag. It is not visible at any time. The Audio Adapter is mounted here. I have the Valentine secondary visual display mounted here.
Does the "in a pouch in the side of my rear seat bag" provide front/rear coverage u think? I like this idea of completely hiding the detector, but if it's inside a bag how will it detect laser? Maybe I missed something ?

My Valentine resides in a pouch in the side of my rear seat bag. It is not visible at any time. The Audio Adapter is mounted here. I have the Valentine secondary visual display mounted here.
Does the "in a pouch in the side of my rear seat bag" provide front/rear coverage u think? I like this idea of completely hiding the detector, but if it's inside a bag how will it detect laser? Maybe I missed something ?
Yes, it does provide front and rear coverage. As far as Laser is concerned, I'm not sure. If I see the Valentine display Laser, it means that I have already got the citation anyway.

I have a Passport X50 and it's saved me loads of tickets if not jail time. You still have to keep your eyes open though and it doesn't hurt to follow another speeder. Think of them as running interference for you :lol:

I tend to get my Q from the big rigs on the open road. If they're keeping at or below the limit there's a good chance there's a mugger somewhere in the area.

I have been nailed even with the X50 on. I was driving cross country in a cage half asleep with the XM radio blasting when I noticed a cop coming from the other direction with his lights on and we make eye contact. Of course my X50 was pegged and probably had been for some time but with the stereo blasting and me being all stupid I got robbed of almost $200 :angry:

I mount it in the empty mirror mount on the left bar and I use a H.A.R.D. it's a great set up.

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only thing you need to know about radar detectors is Valentine One (V-1).

Once you have used the arrows you are hooked but not caught.
I've read that a number of times, but don't get it so I'll let you clear it up. :D Why do the arrows matter? Does it matter where the radar is as long as you avoid it? Bob Rancho Cucamonga, CA
Perfect example.

AR on the Skyline Drive. 3 of us hooking it around masses of cruisers going -20. As the road and conditions allowed, the first bike would leap-frog a few bikes. We'd then work our way up through various packs with our lead bike being our eyes around corners, etc (radio to us that it was clear). Perfectly safe and we've worked this team effort so long we're adept at doing it safely.

Lead bike (purple Wing) is staging behind a slow car and about ready to go for it, when I get a ping and warn him off. He and bike 2 stay tucked behind the car, while I'm about 100 yards back behind another vehicle. I get a second bogie as a Ranger's SUV passes us going the other way. Now I have 1 in front and 1 in back (arrows and bogie counter), so I again warn the lead bike off from any passing effort. A while later, another Ranger's SUV passes us going the other way.

Now keep in mind that, at no time did either Ranger observe us doing anything "untoward".

The 2nd SUV hooks a u-turn behind me and hits hi lights. I slow and move to the fog line (no shoulder). He passes my Silver 003 FJR and makes a bee-line for the 2 Wings ahead of me. They have to aknowledge him and find a scenic turn-out to safely pull over. I cruise by and pretend I don't know them. :)

After a 25 minute hassle, they catch back up with me at the next scenic turn out and report the first thing the ranger did (when approaching them) was to ask the lead rider, "Is that a purple bike?" Hmmm... seems odd unless you figure some pillion on one of those cruises (doing -20 as a group of rolling road blocks) called in a purple bike passing them. The Ranger told them he pulled them over because they, "looked like they were getting ready to pass on a double yellow." :asshat:

But the officer couldn't write them because the riders were not observed doing anything "untoward". The V1 told us everything we needed to know to react to a multi-bogie/directional attack so we could counter it.

Keep in mind we did everything in a manner that was completely safe for conditions but didn't sit well with the rolling road block gang.

Heres the one I am looking at, although its a bit steep in price its the most viable option for Virginia. This Beltronics unit is virtually undetectable by LEOs...this is the ONLY one that can make this claim right now. So if its stealthly installed the LEO can have a Radar Detector Detector right next to you and it wouldnt see it. Pretty Cool. Also there are forums on this as well...this is all they talk about. You can learn more than you evr need to know there.


[SIZE=12pt]I'm finally at the point of admitting I need a rada detector. And, with this discussion about the "best Radar Detectors" about one years old, I need to re-ask two questions: [/SIZE]

1. With the speed of electronic development and changes, what is the current "best Radar Detector" out there

2. Where is the best/cheapest place to buy it

[SIZE=12pt]I'm finally at the point of admitting I need a rada detector. And, with this discussion about the "best Radar Detectors" about one years old, I need to re-ask two questions: [/SIZE]1. With the speed of electronic development and changes, what is the current "best Radar Detector" out there

2. Where is the best/cheapest place to buy it
I have a V1 and a Passport. Both are excellent. I do sell the Passport.

Escort Passport 8500 at Bike Effects

Please see the link below to get a forum discount on this product, as well as others.

I have a V1 and a Passport. Both are excellent. I do sell the Passport.
Escort Passport 8500 at Bike Effects

Please see the link below to get a forum discount on this product, as well as others.
I love my Escort and that Bike Effects deal is as good as it gets!

That said, it's just a tool to help. Live by the radar detector....

Jeff, you gonna be stocking the new 9500?

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