Radar/Laser Detectors/Jammers

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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2006
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Well, I have an Autocom intercom and Yaesu VX-6R two-way waiting for my '06 A that my dealer told me today will be here in March. I also have a Garmin 2730 GPS on the way. Now for the radar detector and possibly laser jammer.

I have spent the last couple of hours reading reviews and like what I read about the Bel RX65 and Escort 8500. One thing that seems to be missing are waterproof radar detectors. I guess I will use the Radar Box by Legal Speeding for protection from the elements.

I don't have any experience with laser jammers and the reviews I have found pertain to four wheel vehicles. Who has experience with a laser jammer on a motorcycle that works? Can the 2 sensor units like the less expensive Blinder system be used on the front and back of a motorcycle as opposed to both sensors being mounted on the front of a vehicle?

Radar/Laser experts speak up!



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Now for the radar detector and possibly laser jammer.
I don't have any experience with laser jammers and the reviews I have found pertain to four wheel vehicles. Who has experience with a laser jammer on a motorcycle that works? Can the 2 sensor units like the less expensive Blinder system be used on the front and back of a motorcycle as opposed to both sensors being mounted on the front of a vehicle?

Radar/Laser experts speak up!


Better check the rules of the road where you live. In CA you cannot have a "jammer" of any sort, only a detector. You cannot have any device that emits anytype of signal. It has been my experience that the detectors tell you more often than not that you've been caught.

I found a test of the Blinder M20 X-Treme on a motorcycle on RadarBusters.com. I also read on one of the radar forums that Blinder has a new model expected out within a month or so.

Unless something comes along better before my FJR get here, I am going with the Bel RX65 detector and Blinder laser jammer. A laser jammer is legal in my state (Arkansas) as of now. I plan to mount one laser jammer unit below the headlight and one below the taillight. I am going to connect both the detector and jammer to my Autocom so I can hear the warning through my helmet speakers.

I am going to mount the radar detector in one of the Radar Boxes, but leave the top of the enclosure off to prevent any signal attenuation except during rainy weather.


So Motorgod.. What's the bigger fine, having a Jammer or the new $1000 fine for going 30 over the limit ??

I know you know so share will ya ??

So Motorgod.. What's the bigger fine, having a Jammer or the new $1000 fine for going 30 over the limit ??I know you know so share will ya ??
What? A grand for 30 over? When'd that kick in? You got a linky?

So Motorgod.. What's the bigger fine, having a Jammer or the new $1000 fine for going 30 over the limit ??I know you know so share will ya ??
Actually I'll take the jammer as evidence. So you need to add in the price of the jammer to the total amount. :D :D :D

Actually I'll take the jammer as evidence. So you need to add in the price of the jammer to the total amount.
Motorgod -- I USED TO enjoy checking out your posts just so I could ogle the avatar. NO MORE!!! That is just WRONG on so many levels! :confused: :puke:

Motorgod -- I USED TO enjoy checking out your posts just so I could ogle the avatar.  NO MORE!!!  That is just WRONG on so many levels!  :confused:  :puke:
What...you don't like david hasselhoff???....found him on a college website.....just had to do it..... :D :D :D :D

So Motorgod.. What's the bigger fine, having a Jammer or the new $1000 fine for going 30 over the limit ??I know you know so share will ya ??
What? A grand for 30 over? When'd that kick in? You got a linky?
TWN, I can't find it anymore, my " history " clears after 7 days so I can't find the site I read it on, it was another m/c board.

I just checked the 2006 changes the DMV posted and can find anything either so maybe... I don't know at this point :unsure:

Motorgod .. buy your own Jammer will ya.. :D
