Radar Screamer

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Well-known member
Oct 29, 2005
Reaction score
Lonedell, MO
Is there anyone here using the Radar Screamer, that would like to share their thoughts on this product?

I recently bought an Escort 8500 X50 and a set of speaker buds but find I dont like being "tied" to the bike and the buds become uncomfortable after a couple of hours. Im thinking Radar Screamer or Marc's Visual Alert. Your thoughts?


Someone just sold one to someone here. So atleast 2 should be able to answer. Personally, I'd lean twards a HARD, as a screaming radar detector in downtown traffic might draw the wrong type of attenton to you... namely the fuzz. :glare:

Is there anyone here using the Radar Screamer, that would like to share their thoughts on this product?I recently bought an Escort 8500 X50 and a set of speaker buds but find I dont like being "tied" to the bike and the buds become uncomfortable after a couple of hours. Im thinking Radar Screamer or Marc's Visual Alert. Your thoughts?

I have had a screemer on my 05 for 45k miles. It is a great warning device. I use it with a Passport 8500. It has worked flawlessly and without any malfunctions. I have a Cobra on my 06 AE and I monitor the aural warning through earbuds. The buds are not a problem for me to wear for extended hours on LDRs. I must admit I prefer the Screemer to the earbuds though.

No screamer here, but I did solve the earbud comfort problem by velcro'ing a set of small speakers into my helmet. I got the speakers out of a set of inexpensive Koss headphones. With the volume of my X50 on maximum I can hear it at speed while wearing earplugs.

I am still teathered to the bike. I ran a wire from the X50 beneath the tank and a jack sticks out between the back corner of the tank and the seat. I use a cord from my helmet that plugs into that jack. The cord on from the helmet is one of those springy coiled wires that looks like an old telephone handset cord. It allows me to get off the bike and gas up without unplugging. I have mini plugs and jacks, but if I were to do it again I'd use the rectangular phone type plugs and jacks because they lock in and still come out easily.

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Is there anyone here using the Radar Screamer, that would like to share their thoughts on this product?I recently bought an Escort 8500 X50 and a set of speaker buds but find I dont like being "tied" to the bike and the buds become uncomfortable after a couple of hours. Im thinking Radar Screamer or Marc's Visual Alert. Your thoughts?


I run one with my Solo 2 and it works great . It comes with a weatherproof toggle switch that has a high,low,and mute . I mounted the switch right along side the same area as the heated grip switch. If a cop pulls up along side me ,I just reach over and mute it. You just need to remember to turn the sound on again when the coast is clear.

Is there anyone here using the Radar Screamer, that would like to share their thoughts on this product?I recently bought an Escort 8500 X50 and a set of speaker buds but find I dont like being "tied" to the bike and the buds become uncomfortable after a couple of hours. Im thinking Radar Screamer or Marc's Visual Alert. Your thoughts?

+10 on the Visual Alert, I use it with my Beltronics RX65.

You can use the volume control to set the brightness.

At full volume it still highly visable when riding into low evening sun.

As it gets dark you can turn the volume down so you don't lose your night vision.

When I got mine I asked Marc to put on another 12" on the lead. Lets me move the RD into the tank bag when it rains and on the odd occasion I decide to press my luck and run the RD in Canada.

The visual alert is completely potted and totally water proofed.

Oh don't bother with the dual row LED, the std unit is very powerful at full volume.



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I installed a screamer this afternoon and will see how I like Sunday. Impressions to follow.


No screamer here, but I did solve the earbud comfort problem by velcro'ing a set of small speakers into my helmet. I got the speakers out of a set of inexpensive Koss headphones. With the volume of my X50 on maximum I can hear it at speed while wearing earplugs.
I found by using the Boostaroo power amp volume is much easier to control and don't have to go full volume on the X-50. I like the idea of the Koss speakers though. Eventually I will have to see our man from Bike Effects to get the Starcom system as I can see just rigging something together is really not the answer. I would get the Starcom now but had to drop the dough for a new Arai this week. I thought about using the screamer but for me I think it would be a distraction. PM. <>< :D

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Its a keeper. Im going to find a permanent mounting spot for the thing now. Its not too loud or distracting at low speeds and I can still hear it at 90-100 with no problem. Keep in mind, that I am older than dirt, and rode a lot of miles, BEFORE, I began to use ear plugs so my hearing is not the greatest.


1.Screamer works best has two volume settings and a mute feature (switchable)

2.H.A.R.D. system sux, eats up watch batteries won't warn when battery is low which resulted in a ticket for me and trashing that P.O.S.

3. Earbuds are uncomfortable and hate being lashed via the audio cord.

I'm ready to add one for my Passport. Where did you buy yours? Any of the FJR friendly vendors sell these? Prices? Anyone buy one in Canada?
