Pie Smuggler
Not that I mind riding in the rain. Just hate cleaning up the mess after the ride. :angry2:
Tuesday 45° F 70% chance of precipitation/Rain
Wednesday 52° F 60% chance of precipitation/Rain
Thursday 52° F 80% chance of precipitation/Rain
Friday 47° F 60% chance of precipitation/Rain
Saturday 45° F 50% chance of precipitation/Rain
Guess, I'm going to have to buy a snowmobile and head to the mountains.
Tuesday 45° F 70% chance of precipitation/Rain
Wednesday 52° F 60% chance of precipitation/Rain
Thursday 52° F 80% chance of precipitation/Rain
Friday 47° F 60% chance of precipitation/Rain
Saturday 45° F 50% chance of precipitation/Rain
Guess, I'm going to have to buy a snowmobile and head to the mountains.