FJR Rally Addict! :D
Effective yesterday, after years of negotiations, paperwork and legal bills, I am officially, legally and finally DIVORCED! :drinks:
The FJR was the first addition in anticipation of the new found freedom. More to come! You can count on it! :yahoo:So which bikes are you adding to the stable now that you don't have to justify them, the expenses, or have garage space for another car?
:glare: That will NEVER happen again!!!!!! :dribble: (btw, Bridget is aware, and in agreement, with this.)So when's your wedding?
A resounding "YES" on being worth it!It's painfull and expensive because it is worth it. BTDT :yahoo:
A couple of misguided attempts at reconsiliation, painstakingly detailed 'Parenting Plan' for my daughter, min. 1 year seperation required, court processing time, court reprocessing time after documents rejected because her lawyer screwed up, mandatory appeal period... it all adds up.Just curious, why did it take years?
LoL - Certainly not! She's my new sex... er... ummm... I mean riding partner!So who's the chick in your profile pic? Certainly not your daughter!
I have a better idea to save time and aggravation. Just find a woman you hate and buy her a house!So when's your wedding?