Raising The Front Wheel Off The Ground

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Well-known member
Jun 15, 2005
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Four 60lb bags of salt on the back of the seat/rack will lift the front wheel off the ground for wheel removal. Dump salt in the water softener when done.

A mite extreme, doncha think? But if it works, more power to ya. I use a floor jack with a short 2X4 under the header, a method that has worked for years with nary a scratch ever.


Do you also dump the floor jack in the water softener? :blink:

I'm confused here...


Puzzled in Milan

No. I made the jack using what the softner filtered out. Don't you guys know anything?

I heard he knocked her up and then left town. She now lives in a trailer on the edge of town with her 7 children from 7 fathers. Sad, sad story.

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I just grab a handfull of throttle in first or second. No problem getting the front wheel off the ground! :eek:

I just grab a handfull of throttle in first or second. No problem getting the front wheel off the ground! :eek:
Wow, you must have a huge garage! :p

BTW, awesome avatar!

any bike with a c-stand can get the front end up for servicing by putting it on the c-stand, and then running a strap from the grab rail to a stationary object and tighten the strap until the front is off the ground. I use my truck's hitch usually, but anything from a tree, car, fire plug, telephone poll, fat chick, etc.


but anything from a tree, car, fire plug, telephone poll, fat chick, etc.
Great, my girlfriend reads over my shoulder and I'm reading this as I'm asking her to help me get the front end up. (Of the bike you perverts :haha: ) Guess who's not gettin any tonight?

I was a little leery of the 2x4 under the headers trick until I watched the wrench change my tires the other day. (The stealership has a waiting room with a window into the shop so you can watch.) Anyway, he has it up on the lift, puts a couple of tie down straps on the rear for extra stabilization then uses a little scissor jack and a 2x4 to lift the front. No problem. I guess most of the weight is still on the centerstand so the pipes never reach "crush weight".



I guess most of the weight is still on the centerstand so the pipes never reach "crush weight".
Not even close Jim. I have used this method on at least a dozen bikes that have an exhaust that tucks under, have never even so much as left a mark on them. The pressure is minimal, and involves tools that most garage guys have.

I guess most of the weight is still on the centerstand so the pipes never reach "crush weight".
Not even close Jim. I have used this method on at least a dozen bikes that have an exhaust that tucks under, have never even so much as left a mark on them. The pressure is minimal, and involves tools that most garage guys have.
I , too, used to uneasy about raising the front wheel using the sissors-jack/2x4 method.

However, I have done this now several times, and the fact of the matter is: it has absoluely NO adverse affect on the header tubes. It's a reliable way to lift the front end.

Though truthfully, I only raise the front like this when I need to remove the forks, etc. For regular old front tire mounting, it's still hard to beat the old standard: Pit Bull wheel stands!


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