Re: camera56 bike and my slider's

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Well-known member
Jun 15, 2005
Reaction score
Sonora, CA
I posting this here so that it is not buried somewhere else in another thread and will hopefully not be missed.

First and foremost, It sounds like camer56 walked away from his accident with no battle scars. This to me is the best news possible. In the few times in my life I have been involved in an auto accident(not motorcycle), the vehicle was the last thing on mind regarding survival rate. For me to be able to walk away unscathed, I would call that a result. YMMV.

Anyway after looking at his pictures, its obvious that the slider has done some damage to his frame, due to several reasons. One, the slider material is playing the major role here, not the fastener and not the depth of thread. My supplied fastener is engaged equally on both sides to match as closely as possible the stock fastener. Also the choice of bolt is correct for the application. There is no fastener on gods green earth that can withstand the forces involved of a motorcycle slamming onto it, without some possible distortion, even with a delrin or whatever slider. You hit anything hard enough at the right angle and it will bend or break, fact of life. Also the frame on the left side is deeply recessed that leaves a very thin edge of material around the fastener, which is also a contributing factor here for any slider installed. If the slider is hit hard enough at the right angle, the bolt holding it will bend and could result in the same thing that we are seeing here.

Saying that, had my slider been manufactured out of a different material, then the probability of the bolt bending as far as it did would have been greatly reduced.

OK, so here's the deal. I am calculating what it is going to cost me to re-manufacture my slider to include a replaceable delrin puck, and will offer replacements to all concerned at a steeply discounted price. All I will need is the set back off your bike. If you guys want to go the delrin route, this will still be a cheaper way to go than buying a new set from XYZ company. Its your call.

Sorry for the delay in responding to this, as I've got some serious issues going on in my life right now. Once I have pricing in front of me, I will post it up here.

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Usually this would go in Parts and Accessories, but we'll leave it here for now because Skyway is going so over the top in customer service. I'm going to pin it for a couple of days.

Good on 'ya Skyway.

That's a quality guy.

Skyway, sorry to hear about your personal issues. Thank you for taking the time out to keep us informed.

Me? Unless this deal is stupidly good, I'm keeping mine. That's why I have insurance if something does go wrong. My point of purchasing was for the insurance against a dumbass driveway moment.

That's why I have insurance if something does go wrong. My point of purchasing was for the insurance against a dumbass driveway moment.
This is probably the best way to approach any crash protector you install on your bike. Once you break traction with the road at any speed, all bets are off as the damage sustained to the rest of your bike will far exceed any damage that your slider may or may not prevent. Also keep in mind that there is not a single slider manufacturer that guarantees their product will prevent damage occurring to your motorcycle in the event of a crash.

Motorcycles are very fragile and are built with light weight materials. Add the force of a crash and lots of things have the potential to get bent and tweaked.

Don't fret Skyway. I was perusing a board a few years ago and saw a similar situation/photos where the frame broke, the situation was almost identical to camers56's situation and the slider was of a delrin type. There are simply too many uncontroable factors that come into play in a unfortunate accident such as this.

Skyway -- I'll keep what I have, but would like to purchase the other set when they are available (I'll play with both)

A different approach might be to make a delrin 'base' or spacer and leave the larger diameter AL alone -- just saw off the lathed down portion of the existing design. (delrin spacer that goes between the frame and the slider.)

That may possibly maybe allow the slider.bolt to break off and not damage a frame -- just a thought. Either way -- when the new design is avail -- lemme know, and I'll send you some $$$

A different approach might be to make a delrin 'base' or spacer and leave the larger diameter AL alone -- just saw off the lathed down portion of the existing design. (delrin spacer that goes between the frame and the slider.)That may possibly maybe allow the slider.bolt to break off and not damage a frame -- just a thought. Either way -- when the new design is avail -- lemme know, and I'll send you some $$$

I think that's what Skyway described in his offer. :blink:

You'ze is an alright guy, Mr. Skyway. (But then, we already knew that!) B)

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That's a quality guy.
Skyway, sorry to hear about your personal issues. Thank you for taking the time out to keep us informed.

Me? Unless this deal is stupidly good, I'm keeping mine. That's why I have insurance if something does go wrong. My point of purchasing was for the insurance against a dumbass driveway moment.
+30 here

+ I've spent to much money trying to find the right tap for the alum.

Oh Skyway, After reading some post on the accident, from SOME members, do a CYA and rename them to T.O.G.s. The marketing may not sound as cool, but better for you in the long run. We have lawyers because people will not take responsibility for their own actions.

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I notice than no one makes a slider with a shock absorber built in. The shock absorber I envision would islolate the outer portion of the puck from the inner portion using a thick rubber o-ring as the shock absorbing material.

You would first mount the inner portion and then mount the shock absorbing portion. Put a little time into this and you will have a product that no one else makes.

john F

Good one Sky...That's what I like to see someone taking pride in their work ethic...When I need a new pair of sliders you will be my first port of call man.


OK, so here's the deal. I am calculating what it is going to cost me to re-manufacture my slider to include a replaceable delrin puck, and will offer replacements to all concerned at a steeply discounted price. All I will need is the set back off your bike. If you guys want to go the delrin route, this will still be a cheaper way to go than buying a new set from XYZ company. Its your call.

I just mounted your sliders on my 2006 FJR. They look great, but I noticed that they heat up quickly. I assume it is engine heat. I would be very interested in trying the delrin slider inserts. How do I measure the set back off my bike. Please advise.

Thanks for going the extra mile.


You are truely the best Ian! :clapping:

What other company would go above and beyond the call of duty for customer satisfaction? NONE!!!

You have the green light to finish mine... And no rush either.

Family first.

business second...


OK, so here's the deal. I am calculating what it is going to cost me to re-manufacture my slider to include a replaceable delrin puck, and will offer replacements to all concerned at a steeply discounted price. All I will need is the set back off your bike. If you guys want to go the delrin route, this will still be a cheaper way to go than buying a new set from XYZ company. Its your call.
Outstanding customer serivce and product backing Ian. Take care of YOURSELF first. The rest of us can wait for however this all shakes out.

