Re: camera56 bike and my slider's

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Son of a B*THCH!!

I found this thread and the "busted frame" thread like, the day after I placed my order.

Now I'm not sure if they're worth the risk.

It sounds like it boils down to this:

+ Potential savings on Tupperware if it falls over (assuming just a tipover does no frame damage).

- Potential extra (FRAME $$) damage if the slider hits the ground at speed.

I feel like I'm more likely to tip the thing over than to crash it. I dropped my first bike twice. It was a Pacific Coast. It was heavy. However, it had built-in tipover guards, so there was no damage. Looks like they have similar protectors on the ST1300, which, while butt ugly, would remove the need for this conversation. My second bike, a Kawi ZR-7, was so light that tipovers were never really an issue.

What to do, what to do . . might be hard to sell home-growns on Ebay--even though they sure are purty.

I think what might settle it for me is this question, so please, I'd like to hear:

1) How many people have had tip-overs on the SKYWAY with absolutely no frame damaged or bolt bending? Is the TIPOVER in the garage a concern at all, from a doing-more-harm-than-good standpoint?

2) Are there any reports of damage to the frame in the run-of-the-mill dump? That is, nearly a dead-stop tipover?

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1) How many people have had tip-overs on the SKYWAY with absolutely no frame damaged or bolt bending? Is the TIPOVER in the garage a concern at all, from a doing-more-harm-than-good standpoint?
2) Are there any reports of damage to the frame in the run-of-the-mill dump? That is, nearly a dead-stop tipover?

1) I've dropped on BOTH sides - and no damage to the bolt or frame - only slight 'grunch' damage on the edge of the slider. They are still installed, and I expect them to work as designed the next time I drop it.

2) One of the above drops was during a full right lock brake into a parking spot - front wheel washed out, bike down - happened quick, bike 'slapped' down. NO DAMAGE. (execpt for minor scratching in paint on the bag.)

I'm happy with mine - they do what they are supposed to do.

I'm not the only one to drop on the Skyway sliders.

Son of a B*THCH!!
I found this thread and the "busted frame" thread like, the day after I placed my order.

Now I'm not sure if they're worth the risk.

It sounds like it boils down to this:

+ Potential savings on Tupperware if it falls over (assuming just a tipover does no frame damage).

- Potential extra (FRAME $$) damage if the slider hits the ground at speed.

I feel like I'm more likely to tip the thing over than to crash it. I dropped my first bike twice. It was a Pacific Coast. It was heavy. However, it had built-in tipover guards, so there was no damage. Looks like they have similar protectors on the ST1300, which, while butt ugly, would remove the need for this conversation. My second bike, a Kawi ZR-7, was so light that tipovers were never really an issue.

What to do, what to do . . might be hard to sell home-growns on Ebay--even though they sure are purty.

I think what might settle it for me is this question, so please, I'd like to hear:

1) How many people have had tip-overs on the SKYWAY with absolutely no frame damaged or bolt bending? Is the TIPOVER in the garage a concern at all, from a doing-more-harm-than-good standpoint?

2) Are there any reports of damage to the frame in the run-of-the-mill dump? That is, nearly a dead-stop tipover?

I would say that you dont want these, Get a refund and move on.

There is no good deed gone unpunished on this subject. Either you like them or not.

me, I will take my chances with them since i like the design and they are purty.

Skyway,Your still #1 in my book! :clapping: And i dont mean :****: :

1) I've dropped on BOTH sides - and no damage to the bolt or frame - only slight 'grunch' damage on the edge of the slider. They are still installed, and I expect them to work as designed the next time I drop it.
2) One of the above drops was during a full right lock brake into a parking spot - front wheel washed out, bike down - happened quick, bike 'slapped' down. NO DAMAGE. (execpt for minor scratching in paint on the bag.)

I'm happy with mine - they do what they are supposed to do.

I'm not the only one to drop on the Skyway sliders.
That's good info. It sounds like indeed they perform as you would expect. I agree that "all bets are off" when it comes to crashing, I was just looking for assurance that these weren't a risk for doing more harm than good in the garden-variety tipover.

Thanks again for the response.

Oh, were huslting into that spot, or hit an oily patch or something?

I would say that you dont want these, Get a refund and move on. There is no good deed gone unpunished on this subject. Either you like them or not.
I'm not sure. That's why I asked.

me, I will take my chances with them since i like the design and they are purty.Skyway,Your still #1 in my book! :clapping: And i dont mean :****: :
Yes, they are purty, which is part of why I chose them over all others. And I didn't mean to disparage Skyway in any way, who has obviously been very responsive.

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When you come up with your revised TOG design, please post it so I can take a look. I'm getting my 06 AE the end of next week and want to put some TOGs on. Thanks.

as I stated before the skyway slider protected my side in a slow moving drop. ended up with a few small scratches in mi mirror housing and bag cover thats all.
