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Extreme coolness... biggest problem that I see is looking at your gas tank to get directions can be the kiss of death.

That is pretty cool looking. I'm starting to think about a GPS for the FJR...wonder if this will be available by mid August? :)
Unlikely - it's a concept base don emerging technologies...thus it's "years" away and will be costly to the max when introduced.

Still, how cool would it be to string one of those up between suction cups on the windscreen and the top of a dash like the N/Line? Big-a$$ scrolling map GPS display right in front of you.

I wonder if the e-ink and flexible screen technologies are capable of incorporating a light for night time use?

Now that's nifty and VERY original. Definitely a "golf clap" for Mr. Dettman. I'd buy one.

Extreme coolness... biggest problem that I see is looking at your gas tank to get directions can be the kiss of death.
Eh, I keep my Nokia N800 running Maemo-Mapper inside my map pocket in the same place, and it's a lot smaller and harder to read. And if the Nokia's taken a **** for some reason, I put a map or written directions in the same place. And when the Nokia finally dies, I'll put my eeePC there.

Personally, I'd like a projected display on the visor or the windshield, but I've looked at the fighter-plane tech, and it's big, heavy, and very very expensive.

Extreme coolness... biggest problem that I see is looking at your gas tank to get directions can be the kiss of death.
Ditto. I ALWAYS pull over to check my GPS. Mine's a little hard to see while riding anyway, so it would take more effort than this one, apparently, but still. . . I can spare 30 seconds to check my route. But not 3 weeks for a hospital stay, or five or ten thousand bucks for motorcycle repairs.

Sorry, I thought it was Friday, with my suggestion about having in the next 3 weeks :)

Yeah, putting a bunch of them strung together would be cool...prolly more interesting in a cage though. If you could get them to update and show SPOT results, that would be cool too! One for each friend on their way, so you could see how close they are to each other. (I don't have a SPOT, and don't know if they already can do that on their site; if not, they should add it!)

I might want it more for my cage, actually, because of the could sit flat on the dash and I could see the important part down low, and lean forward to see the up-coming stuff.

For the bike, I too was thinking about the HUD type of thing...just need to be able to over-power the backlight and reverse the image, and then put a flat piece of plastic in front of the screen. Hmm...
