This is a disconcerting problem. My bike is a 2005. The rear ABS is not working and the ABS error light is not coming on to indicate an error. The light comes on with the other on start-up so it works. A very brave fellow tested the front wheel and the ABS worked and cycled fine. On rainy day rides, I regularly test the ABS using the rear wheel (I thought if the rear worked then the system was fine)last time I did this was probably in January and it worked.
A few questions:
What do think is causing the rear abs to fail? If the front abs works, the pump & computer would seem to be in working order? A sensor in the back maybe?
About the error light, I'm really concerned that the ABS system is not working correctly and the warning system is a failure as well? It's enough to make me lose sleep.
Has anyone else encountered or heard of this problem?
Thanks for your help.
This is a disconcerting problem. My bike is a 2005. The rear ABS is not working and the ABS error light is not coming on to indicate an error. The light comes on with the other on start-up so it works. A very brave fellow tested the front wheel and the ABS worked and cycled fine. On rainy day rides, I regularly test the ABS using the rear wheel (I thought if the rear worked then the system was fine)last time I did this was probably in January and it worked.
A few questions:
What do think is causing the rear abs to fail? If the front abs works, the pump & computer would seem to be in working order? A sensor in the back maybe?
About the error light, I'm really concerned that the ABS system is not working correctly and the warning system is a failure as well? It's enough to make me lose sleep.
Has anyone else encountered or heard of this problem?
Thanks for your help.