Rear Brake Caliper Problems

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Well-known member
Feb 19, 2010
Reaction score
Vancouver Island, B.C.
I needed to remove the rear brake caliper to replace brake pads. I unbolted the 2 pin slides (bolts) to remove the piston assembly to get at the brake pads. The upper bolt removed easily the lower bolt came out stripped. S**TF***!!!

These where the OEM pads. I don't think the assembly has ever been removed. Any suggestions? Don't know if I can re-tap threads on piston assembly. Pin (bolt) is toast.

Yes I know it is Friday....please be kind....


This is not the first time this has happened to a 2nd gen bike. Clicky for some company in your misery.

About the only chance you'd have to repair it would be to drill it out (ideally on a drill press) and then tap and heli-coil in some new threads. The caliper pins do not carry the actual braking load, they just hold the caliper centered over the brake pads. The braking load is transferred from the pads into the caliper carrier.

The unfortunate thing is that the caliper is not available as a separate part. You have to get the entire caliper assembly including the carrier to get it, and that runs $300 list. You can get one from for about $200 if you are not in a rush to get it.

Just checked and there are no used 2nd gen rear calipers on FleaBay

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Thanks for the reply and link Fred. I was thinking Heli-Coil is my answer or save more pennies for a new rear caliper.....Damn.


Before turning the slide bolts for removal is there anything one can do to help release them? Heat, penetrating oil, etc.?

I've never attempted to remove them on my '04. Mine may be frozen too. I don't use my rear brake all that much. Lots of pad remaining.

I'de be very wary of using heat unless you are replacing those rubber seals, this is my GenII's calliper:

(Click on image for larger view)

Thanks for all the replies. Wish I new about this before I started this 15 minute job....

Does anybody know off the top of their heads what size kit I need from Timesert?



Aw crap...I don't know what size kit you need, but I feel your pain. When I changed out the rear pads on my '07, it did the same thing. I was lucky that my bolt stripped only the outer assembly, so I was able to put the bolt back in and secure it to the inner assembly. It was the first time mine came off too. Mine was under warranty, so my dealer replaced the whole thing.

Donno if you have the tools or the skill, but if not, just take it to a machine shop. They will probably have the Timeserts there and can get it done cheap and fast.
