Rear-Ended at 70mph—I’m Done!

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glad your getting better. that's why at every light,every batch of slow traffic I get my sweet ass up from the rear of the not going like bust,from the rear end !lol

Statistics shows majority of motorcycle accidents are from behind or rear ended.
77% of accidents come from in front of the motorcycle (11 to 1 o'clock). About 5% come from the rear (5-7 o'clock). Rear-enders are rare.

Source: The Motorcycle Safety Foundation's Guide to Motorcycling Excellence, 1995 edition, page 85.

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Minimums should be raised simply because the average cost of a vehicle being nurfed has gone up.
And the cost of medical. Even though we have more outpatient services than ever before and better technology. But it is what it is, insurance needs to catch up, or is it the law makers in each state need to catch up and make the necessary limits higher? Whatever, just carry as much as you can.

This post mainly (and maybe a few others) have prompted me to up my rear-end exposure! No!, I'm not mooning anybody. But the seriousness of this really got my mind 'a ticking....

I have the LIN3 3rd brake light already, modulated. Not enough!. I need more running light power as well. Also my top case is going to have full compliment of illumination (Running, L/R and Brake).

I know I'll never probably get the attention of a texter who is heavily involved, but hopefully, and just maybe, it could prevent a rear end collision. And If I never know?, that will be alright by me! SPM <safety preventative maintenance>

Thank you for your alert post, I'm very saddened however by the results of your incident. I hope all comes around for you.

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Part of what's nice about running a tailbox is having lights/reflectors up high, at or above the average car driver's line of sight. Nothing will peel a fool off their cellphone, but having visibility above hood level is a good thing.

I think visibility is certainly important, and I have that covered with top case Admore lights, LIN3 and side case 3M reflectors. However, at every stop, and especially on the freeway, I am positioned to split the lane. I never, ever sit square in the middle without watching my six, and I frequently do an illegal maneuver not to be at the rear. I'm not an ******* about it, but I cut a few cars ahead, and figure if necessary, I can offer an explanation to a LEO if I ever get called on it.

Can't blame you, if I didn't live here in Newer Mexico I wouldn't ride an FJR either. I don't like slabs, and I don't like traffic. I like mountains and valleys.
