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That's why they hate forums.
I would also guess that some forums are a little less informed than this one. Can you imagine the stuff they get from forums populated by 19 year olds?
Thats was exactly what I told him. I explained that at 47, im probably one of the youngest forum members. This bike doesnt realy attract the younger crowd. I went on to say that there are a bunch of well informed people here that are worth listening to. I'd say this is a unique forum to say the least. Just dont say nothing stupid on a friday, thats all!

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I don't really want to have to deal with an ignition recall. I don't want unqualified monkeys working on my feej. Ill take my switch apart again an resolder the wires myself again if I ever need to. Screw re-keying anything. If anyone has it happen to them and wants it repaired instead of replaced, feel free to PM me, you ship it and pay return shipping, and I will repair it free of charge, and send it back better than new!

I took mine apart again recently because I wanted to prevent the inevitable, and just resolder the other 3 wires on the switch plate before they pulled out too,( I had it apart when I was putting on the heli tripple clamp from the group buy). So what I did was after I soldered them all I put a small dolup of epoxy over the solder pool enough to make contact with the plastic of the switch plate, and I could hang out a 40 story window from my wires now. I won't have any problems again. I hope?!? :unsure:

I don't really want to have to deal with an ignition recall. I don't want unqualified monkeys working on my feej. Ill take my switch apart again an resolder the wires myself again if I ever need to. Screw re-keying anything. If anyone has it happen to them and wants it repaired instead of replaced, feel free to PM me, you ship it and pay return shipping, and I will repair it free of charge, and send it back better than new!
I took mine apart again recently because I wanted to prevent the inevitable, and just resolder the other 3 wires on the switch plate before they pulled out too,( I had it apart when I was putting on the heli tripple clamp from the group buy). So what I did was after I soldered them all I put a small dolup of epoxy over the solder pool enough to make contact with the plastic of the switch plate, and I could hang out a 40 story window from my wires now. I won't have any problems again. I hope?!? :unsure:
Hi DC. Do the wires just feed through a copper grommet and then get soldered? I guess this is typical, but always heard that solder should not be the primary 'mechanical" interface. A couple of things that caught my eye in several of the related posts. There are some pics of assemblies with the red wire pulled away, and I thought there was a little discoloration on the red jacket.., I have not looked, but there are posts saying the red wire carries over 20Amps?. Many posts about "dirty" contacts..and cleaning by activating the switch many times. If indeed there are 20 amps, and the dirty or poor contact was slightly resistive....say a 10th of an ohm, you would likely reflow the solder connection. If it is under a bit of tension, the wire would pop out. Your epoxy might serve to keep the wire in place.

I am so paranoid now have been reluctant to pull around on the wires and break something loose. Can anyone tell me where the 2 switch connectors are located? Would like to know if they can be accessed "on the road" in the event of failure. Thought about a jumper kit that could plug in and short the proper wires together.

That's why they hate forums.
I would also guess that some forums are a little less informed than this one. Can you imagine the stuff they get from forums populated by 19 year olds?
Thats was exactly what I told him. I explained that at 47, im probably one of the youngest forum members. This bike doesnt realy attract the younger crowd. I went on to say that there are a bunch of well informed people here that are worth listening to. I'd say this is a unique forum to say the least. Just dont say nothing stupid on a friday, thats all!
<_< Hmmm. As someone much closer to 19 than 47, I'll just overlook that age comment. I like my FJR just fine and find it quite attractive; thank you very much.

That said, I really hope I don't run into this ignition issue out in the middle of BFE. Gonna go make an emergency ignition bypass kit right now.

That's why they hate forums.
I would also guess that some forums are a little less informed than this one. Can you imagine the stuff they get from forums populated by 19 year olds?
Thats was exactly what I told him. I explained that at 47, im probably one of the youngest forum members. This bike doesnt realy attract the younger crowd. I went on to say that there are a bunch of well informed people here that are worth listening to. I'd say this is a unique forum to say the least. Just dont say nothing stupid on a friday, thats all!
<_< Hmmm. As someone much closer to 19 than 47, I'll just overlook that age comment. I like my FJR just fine and find it quite attractive; thank you very much.

That said, I really hope I don't run into this ignition issue out in the middle of BFE. Gonna go make an emergency ignition bypass kit right now.

No offense meant L2M, you obviously are an exceptional young man. It would normally take a least 40 years to develope such a fine sence of taste. ;)

regarding rekeying,

I had my ignition switch replaced recently. Look for my story in the sticky. Anyway, I too didn't want another key, and my service manager said yamaha wasn't wanting to pay a locksmith. He found another way.

Turns out the locks only use one side of the key. So he took a blank, cut the original profile on one side and the new ignition switch profile on the other. I now have one key that works in all the locks. Works pretty slick and is not very hard to get straight. in fact, the orientation of the ignition and the gas cap are opposite, so I can take the key straight out of the ignition and go straight into the gas cap and everything works. I colored one edge/side of the key so I can easily remember what way it goes in. Yamaha is paying for the key blanks and cutting.

Works for me! but Yamaha does have to get on the ball on this one. Mine quit in traffic and could have been catastrophic. I was lucky.

paul from Minnesota

2006 feej A

Yamaha has always responded to the major issues on the FJR over the years. Maybe not quickly enough for some of you, but they do come through relatively quickly compared to some companies.
A pity they didn't fix the abrupt 06/07 throttle instead of letting customers purchase G2 tubes.

Yamaha still have time to issue a tube with a different cam profile, the plastic tubes wouldn't cost Yamaha more than one dollar but they would make a lot of people happy.

Alternatively recall all 06 & 07 bikes and fit the throttle fix that is on the 08 model, that would be expensive, the fix is on the throttle bodies, not the tube.

Yamaha Customer Service 800 962 7026
This number is incorrect. The correct number is (800) 962-7926

I spent 15 minutes on the phone with them today. I am quite impressed to be able to talk to a company that will discuss the issues intelligently with its customers.

But I was quite UNIMPRESSED with the person I spoke with, Chris. He said it was the first time he'd ever heard of this problem, couldn't find any issues of previous problems with ignitions on the FJR, and that there are no technical bulletins or recalls relating to this issue. I asked that since I have already experienced this failure, am logging the issue with them now, and go out and buy a new ignition, would Yamaha at least reimburse me when the recall gets issued, and he said, "No" that's not Yamaha's policy.

So, just like with the transmission, I am left to fend for myself.

Not feeling the warm and fuzzy feelings others have experienced. Feeling pretty alone on this issue, especially since Chris hasn't ever heard of anything relating to this.

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Had the same issue with Yamaha. No knowledge of any issues with the ignition. My issue is the plastic base where the wires attach somehow broke a corner off and would no longer work. It's the corner where the wires come through the metal housing into the ignition. I will bring my camera tomorrow and post a pic. I'll be in the same boat as some of you, out the money for the new part and will not be reimbursed by Yamaha. Maybe Yamaha will stand up to the plate and get this recalled. I'll take an extra just to have in case I ever need one again.

As asked about the location of the connectors for the switch a few posts up. They would not be easily accessable on the road as they are under the gas tank and t bar and all. I would suggest opposite connectors male and female on each wire so if it shut the bed you could unplug the switch and connect the 2 wires. However keep in mind that this would make it somewhat easy to steal too.
