I already know how to say y'all and all y'all from my Okie days, so I got me a head start.
And I'm not above calling people "them Yankee Bastards!"...so hopefully that will work on my side.
However, my teeth need a little yellowing, I'm rusty on my tobacco spitting, and my banjo needs some work...otherwise I'm good.
Ahhhh...good ole stereotypes. Whats not to love? LOL!
Hey, I was being serious. My banjo DOES need work!
Recently found out one branch of the family tree comes from 'Ol Virginia and was a doctor during the civil war...so he must have been good with a limb saw.
Seriously though, I was born in Kali and raised in the Midwest...so I'm in a heap of trouble. But I don't mind acclimatin' to the shorter winters and awesome roads. Heck, right now I have to travel about 175 miles just to get to an hours worth of curves.
But I'll just shut my blueberry pie hole now, this thread is obviously more than about people moving...it's about looking back and looking forward.