What Mr. petey is saying is that some retired folks would like to make every event in a year. Don't know where the heck he got that idea...
You can view the individual sections. That's how I know about SFO/NAFO/CFO. While I didn't attend WFO, CFR and can't make EOM, I have been following those threads to find out when they are. Doesn't take up too much time.
If the RM's (or 'committees') want to coordinate, so be it...there's a section for that group to chat about it. it's not always the same person as the RM though, so getting them all on the same page or to arrange dates is difficult. I think CFR and WFO were kinda close together, both the dates and locations (more towards the western parts of the respective countries). So people there had to make a decision to attend one or the other and that also affects how much swag you get...if the dates are too close together or the same weekend, not every vendor is going/able to contribute to both.
Plus, if it's left to a popular vote, that's it. I think SW-FOG operated that way and CFO did the same. If you're not watching those threads you probably won't vote and won't follow-up with the results...
If, and this is just a thought, the regionals were held in separate months (i.e. SFO is held in late April, EOM is in Sept, and sandwich the rest in the other months) each year it might be easier for more people to attend. At the same time you'll exclude people who typically take family vacations in June/July/August...SW-FOG could be held later because their riding season could be a bit longer...WFO, depending on where it's held (ID versus SoCal?)...
CFO and EOM might be more weather dependent...
Can't make everyone happy, you'll go mad trying...