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I'm paying less in rual Alabama than any where I've lived before, $91.67 per year for a 2007 FJR. My insurance cost about $400 less than when I lived in North Carolina too. My toy hauler cost went up a little, about $100 per year go figure.

Toys can be expensive, the fees where I live are based on value. What are the fees on a $20,000 car cost in NZ? I think its around $100 here in Alabama. My old 1995 diesel one ton truck is $48 per year and going down more every year. :)

Kiwi riders who will be riding a 650+cc motorbike will be looking at annual fees to register a bike on the road for $745.77cents. Govt 's way of getting more revenue , claiming the motocyclist are having too many accidents and costing the govt too much money, forgetting that most of these accidents are caused by cars who fail to see a motorbike.

out of interest, what do other riders in other parts of the world get charged annually for having a bike on the road

cheers Jono

35 bucks a year

Just paid $190 for an '07 here in California. Ridiculous if you ask me considering what a small footprint and imprint bikes make on the roads around here.

Just sayin'

