Removing the throttle bodies to clean them?

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Had to do some searching to find the picture, but here's a great look at the innards of the airbox.....


If you open up the air cleaner access port on the left side of the bike, remove the filter, and feel around just forward and above where the filter sits, you should feel the horns that lead from the airbox to the throttle bodies.

Get some aerosol cleaner (something a bit more aggressive than Seafoam), start up the bike, and spray about half a can's worth into each individual tube. So two cans, one half for each TB, should do the trick.

Get the kind of aerosol cleaner that has a tube to attach to the sprayer head so you can direct the spray up into the individual air horns. And things will work MUCH better if you have someone to person to spray, the other to keep the bike running at the throttle.

DON'T do this inside a will likely be sufftercated from the smoke that should pour outta those two noisy things stickin' out the back of the bike!

The reason I said to use something a bit more aggressive than Seafoam, as suggested earlier. Seafoam is more of a "let it soak" cleaner than a "hit the dirt and dissolve real fast" cleaner. And from my experience with the Fast Idle mechanism, when they get gunked up, the gunk prevents the fast idle from closing down when the bike warms up, rather than preventing the fast idle from opening up in the first place, unless the individual fast idle valves on each TB are SO gunked up, the wax motor thing-a-muh-jig can't even pull them open! Mine WERE that dirty:


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I had the engine completely out of the bike when I replaced a couple of gears and shifting fork. I pretty much had to drop the engine to get the airbox out. It's not an easy job.

With 70K on the bike and having use Seafoam a number of times, the butterflies and area around them were completely black with gunk.


Huh??? When I replaced the motor in my 04, the second thing to come off was the airbox, after the tank. It was a snap, and nothing else was really affected by the airbox removal, other than disconnecting the snorkel tubes off the TB inlets.

I can't tell you how many times the airbox came out of my bike when I was diagnosing the starter issues a few summers ago. Never had to "drop the engine!"

The tool tray had to come out. I would assume he had that figured out.....


Airbox is pretty much it...y'know, you MIGHT get away with simply unhooking the gaiters from the TB inputs and forcing them out of the way, then ******** the hell out of the TBs with a spray cleaner.
