Reports after The TWN Memorial Ride, Service, BBQ, Post Party, Ride Home

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We just got back home in Dixon from attending the memorial service.Our 800 mile round trip was shared by RogDeb, FJRonamission, NiteShine, Bluestreek, fJROB and Ric in Sac

It was great to see Tim has such a wonderful family that will remember him well. We met his business family, FJR family and his relatives.

Thank you all for sharing Tim with us.

Mike and Terri
We "ditto" all the above. And add that's it's too bad that some of us are too long in seeing each other -- life's short.

Was a sad but "memorable" weekend for us.

Rog n Debs

I started posting photos on the fjrforum Gallery photo site in the folder "Tim Bates Memorial"

Click on "slide show" in the upper right hand corner.

I will be posting more photos as time and editing allows.

Enjoyed seeing all again and the TWN memorial turn out was a wild success.

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Nice Work, Ed. Hope you weren't lying in wait by the side of the road for too darned long!

It was great seeing old friends and meeting new ones.

The folks involved in the events surrounding and including the Memorial did, truly a wonderful job. Thanks to all of you who contributed in the organization, planning and execution.

....You all truly provided a wonderful canvas for us all to come and paint our feelings collectively and as individuals. Very very special.

After two days in SB, spent mostly reflecting on times with Tim, I left toward home Sunday morning. Impromptu/coincidence encounter with Steve/Cindi and their northbound posse for the first few miles. Stopped in Atascadero to violate some goat-trail roads on my buddy's (Wayne) Super Motard and then a zig-zag of the valley and finally home in Reno Sunday night. A great (although somewhat "hungover") finish to a great weekend.

I'll be posting many more thoughts later, ...have not had time to really sort them all out ...nor the pictures. But I will say that a look at the pictures -are a reminder of the great spirit of fun that we shared. Tim no doubt smiled at the silly spirit that was plentiful.

I know many of us made new friends ...but somehow I'm confident that (from the right) Steve, Robert and myself made the most new friends we are with many of them:


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This proxy website I am using at work sure sucks.

But it is better than not viewing and posting at all.

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Jdog's better half.... sportin a trike


These are the best rims I have seen... may do mine this way




JDog's steed.


On my way home Sunday.. great bikes






Break time and solitude.......


Almost home... its been a good day...................

......I've got a family to get back to..... Gotta go.......

Terri was taking pictures for part of the memorial ride.

Here is the link to the slideshow.

Terri's Memorial Ride Pictures

And a sample,

[SIZE=12pt]Patty, DCarver, Jdog.[/SIZE]


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Rogue, Thank You so much for this foto. I didn't realize the minister saluted, LOL.

I did notice that Mrs. TWN and Tim's Mom saluted though!

I am so very proud to belong and participate in this community.Truly fine folks you all are.

:****: :cry:

While a sad and very emotional weekend .....

How wonderful to get a nice ride in and celebrate the life of a great guy with so many of you. Thanks to all who were a part of this.

For me, this weekend was spent reflecting on a great guy ...the ride down and back gave me fantastic opportunity to do this ...and the time in Santa Barbara with the rest of you was fantastic.

Full ride report here (clicky)

....perhaps more added later ...i've got a few gig worth of video that I haven't even looked at yet.

**also, thanks to those who I *borrowed* a few pics. Much appreciated.


Full ride report here (clicky)


Full ride report here (clicky)


Full ride report here (clicky)


Full ride report here (clicky)


Full ride report here (clicky)


Full ride report here (clicky)


Full ride report here (clicky)


Full ride report here (clicky)

Rogue, Thank You so much for this foto. I didn't realize the minister saluted, LOL.
Yes, he did, though it was a "real" #1...he was pointing skyward with his index finger.


This was truly a special tribute to the one who brought us all together. There is something to be said for visiting and commiserating with other FJR folks.

You meet the nicest people on an FJR. You really do!!

P.S. Don, have you looked at Pegscraper's photo album? It looks like someone was very popular when their man was too busy. :eek:

Kyndall and I made it home tonight after taking the long scenic way back to Colorado. Thanks so much to everyone who had a part in the planning and organizing of such a wonderful tribute to TWN. Though Kyndall and I knew Tim less than most everybody else who was there, having only met him briefly at NAFO, it meant a lot to us to be able to share in the remembrance of someone who contributed so much to the FJR community.

A special thanks to SkooterG and Jane for the hospitality in Scottsdale. Skooter, I'm sorry we didn't hook up with you on Sunday morning to return your vest. The ride home must have been miserable without it and I feel terrible. Since Kyndall wore it home, she doesn't feel quite so bad ;) Anyway, it's in the mail on its way home to you. Tell Jane we're hoping BMW can make things right with the shiny red moto bike. It was scary **** watching that thing just die like that. I thought for sure someone was gonna' end up under a truck.

RenoJohn, it was a pleasure as always. Thanks for the drinks and conversation. I think we ducked out of Zodo's without saying goodbye (though I can't say for sure since I'm having trouble remembering everything :blink: ). Good luck with your latest adventure in life. I'm sure you're going to be great at it. Maybe we'll make it up to your neck of the woods next year and take you up on your offer.

FJRobert, it was nice riding with you. You're a true gentleman for sticking with the sick beemer posse all the way into the LA heat and traffic in the slow lane. And I meant it when I said "Thanks for your military service."

It was nice to see everyone again and to meet so many new faces, and of course to hear all the stories about Tim. It's true, you meet the nicest people on an FJR :D


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