Rick Mayer Seats?

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Aug 5, 2014
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Toronto Canada
Rick Mayer Seats

The No good - The Bad - The Ugly

I was in the market for a custom seat and was told that Rick was
one of the best for doing seats for an FJR. I talked to him directly
and he assured me it would be delivered to me by beginning of Sept for
my 8,000 mile trip (2 weeks or less) Beginning of my trip and no seat.
When I got out to Utah I sent a fax and let him know I would be in
San Diego in 3 days and the exact hotel and address so that he could
over night it to me. ( This was also guaranteed during our phone call)
Well we got to SD and no seat. We even stayed an extra day that cost me
more money and wasted time. I got back to Canada and still nothing. I have
made tons of direct calls - no replys - lots of emails - no replys - and
lots of fax's with no replys. Now he took 1000. out of my account in July of
2014. It is now Feb 5/15 and still no replys and no seats. I have ordered
many Motorcycle parts from the States and never - ever had a problem.
I just wish I had seen all the bad reviews about customer service before
I let him take my money.

( oh btw - He sent me a seat and it was from some guy in Austria.)
This was about 2 months ago.

I for one will not be recommending him or his services to anyone. If anyone
asks - I will let them know what I had to go through.
Please post this on any Motorcycle sites that you may use to warn others.
I will be posting on Face book - FJR forums - ADVrider and few sites closer to home.


I will update this later today or tomorrow

Sorry to hear, man, that's some bad luck and service to go along with it.

So I just received my RDL seats about a week ago. I didn't send ANY money ahead of time, just shipped them the seats. No money was ever asked for until they called me and told me my seats were done, I then gave the very nice woman (Rita) my CC info, a week later my custom seats were at my door step via UPS. Super professionally packed, and the quality of the build? well, RDL has many of fans here, I now know why.

Hopefully you'll get this straightened out. I know it's too late for your trip, and that's a major buzz kill right there. So if you decide to get a refund and switch Mfgr's.. I would highly recommend Russell Motorcycle Products in Shasta Lake CA. Oh btw, that same Rita handled all my emails for sizing, picture submission etc, she was awesome.

If I get some time, I'll put a thread up on my new tractor seats


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Might be too late, but try complaining to your credit card company. Merchants that have a lot of complaints or returns can be subject to holdbacks from the credit card processor. Screw up enough and you lose your ability to process credit card payments.


23 pages of complaints against Rick Mayer Seats with 332 replies and 40,965 views at the BMW MOA Forum, starting with this one:

Rick Mayer MIA...has MY seat and MY money

Looking for help from the MOA here. My Rick Mayer saga started 2/8/14 when I arranged at the Chicago IMS to have him do my GS saddle. I was given a production date of 2/28/14 by Rick, which didn't happen. On 3/27 I was told it would ship next week by Rick, which didn't happen. On 4/12 I was told by Amy Knox that it would ship next week, which didn't happen. Emails on 4/23 & 4/30 have not been returned. Phone is disconnected. Rick is MIA, with my seat, and my money. (Along with a whole host of other folks over at ADVRider.com). I'm just stating the facts. I paid for something. He has yet to deliver, missing the expectations that he set, and now he is seemingly unreachable. I simply want what I paid for, or my seat and my money back.

And ends with this post:

Red Bluff

It is my understanding from his wife that he stopped making payment on his home, after he moved out, he is living somewhere in Red Bluff and supposedly working out of a shop there. No longer at Happy Valley Rd in Anderson, CA. I haven't had any contact with him since I sent him a message awhile ago letting him know how disappointed I was in him for how he has treated his customers.



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Well I just checked my emails and the guy that got my seat is from Australia - not Austria. When I posted on the FB for IBA riders he replied.

He let me know he got the right seat sent back to him in the middle of November. So we know my seat was done.

I saw the BMW site a few weeks ago and if you check the ADV rider site in the Vendor heading - they finally made it a sticky -

You will find at least 24 or more pages of complaints.

Yes guys - after he closed shop in Anderson and took everyones money and seat pans he opened later on in Red Bluff as mentioned

on above post.

I have tried with Visa but they only allow 4 months - anything after that they won't do a thing for you.

I posted this up to warn anyone thinking of getting a custom seat. So please pass this along to friends and other riders

and rider sites so they don't get stung.

Now I have heard that the Chicago Motorcycle show is this weekend - Feb 13 to Feb 15 - and guess what????

If you check the Vendors list - Rick Mayers name is on it. One of the ADV riders is going on Sat and is going to

keep an eye out for me. If I know soon enough I can make it for late Sat or very early Sun.

( Now I hate to ask if anyone has some stock pans that I could get my hands on, I would really appreciate it.

We could talk some business if need be.


NightShadow )

Yes ,I have no idea what is going on in his world.....IMHO he's (Rick Mayer) is "on the shit".....he's got a devil on his back.... sorry any of you folks got tangled up in his nightmare..... thanks for the heads up! AS i am one that Will be buying a custom seat.

Yes Smitty that is the link. My post was way back on 23 I think.

Fred W - Rick ain't Bill nor Seth.
I assume you mean Seth Laam - I would be very careful with this guy. He worked for Rick and then went out on his own.

I saw his ads and sent a couple of emails about getting a seat done - Then I did more reading on him. (seems if you do

a ride in and work is done right then - almost all are happy)

This is just one complaint - https://www.advrider.com/forums/showthread.php?t=997905

It is now 2 weeks since I sent the emails and no replies. Be very

careful if you decide to use him. With me being across the country I will stay away.

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Yes Smitty that is the link. My post was way back on 23 I think.

Fred W - Rick ain't Bill nor Seth.
I assume you mean Seth Laam - I would be very careful with this guy. He worked for Rick and then went out on his own.

I saw his ads and sent a couple of emails about getting a seat done - Then I did more reading on him. (seems if you do

a ride in and work is done right then - almost all are happy)

This is just one complaint - https://www.advrider.com/forums/showthread.php?t=997905

It is now 2 weeks since I sent the emails and no replies. Be very

careful if you decide to use him. With me being across the country I will stay away.
Rick's reputation for inconsistent customer service has been voiced for many years but this is the first time I have read about customers losing both their money and their seats; I'm surprised that he has been able to get away with it as long as he has. However, to cast Seth Laam in the same category as Rick simply because he previously worked for Rick is inappropriate. Nobody is going to be able to please everyone all the time, even Russell has had its dissatisfied customers over the years, but Seth comes pretty close.

I have 3 Lamm seats which I am very happy with and many friends that are also very happy with their Lamm seats. The only problem dealing with Seth is that his website email contact doesn't work and he seems to be too busy to spend the time to get it fixed. I never have had any difficulty contacting him, I just call around 7:00 AM PST or send him a phone text.

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My experience with Seth was exemplary. Sent the seat back for minor adjustment, was done in a week and Seth paid the shipping to my door. I love the seat and the price was very nice.

This thread is about Rick Mayer and his antics, they've been going on for a long time from what I've seen.

Rick has some proponents but, IIRC, early on the questions started with a delayed delivery and a rider who was so unhappy with the results that finally came in that he pulled the cover and found that a pair of foam wings had been glued onto his apparently unchanged OEM seat. Since that time the posts like in that thread started growing.

IIUC, the current situation is that he closed up shop, waited a bit and opened again with a different name; keeping inventory and payments from the previous business? Can this be right or did I misunderstand?

Sorry to read all of these lousy experiences. I did two ride in appointments at Rick's in Anderson and he was spot on with everything he did and said. He gave me a break on the seat made for my lovely wife and took me to lunch both times. I enjoyed my time chatting with him and did not hear of any shenanigans going on while sitting in his office when his wife answered the phone. I guess he is a different person over the phone when he's not face to face with someone as I didn't detect a hint of a person who doesn't do what he says he will. But then again, I liked my dealings in person with Skyway, so guess I'm a lousy judge of character.

Things have changed with Rick. I used to defend him and was a satisfied customer. His thefts of many rider's money, seats and time is now a well established pattern. He has changed his business location and has a terrible BBB reputation now. If I was him, I'd be very concerned about showing up at the motorcycle shows to promote business. He has screwed over a lot of people that would love to get their hands on him.

Please post this on any Motorcycle sites that you may use to warn others.I will be posting on Face book - FJR forums - ADVrider and few sites closer to home.
Have you filed a case with the California Department of Consumer Affairs? While posting on forums might help...my experience has been you have to use the process if you want to build a case or help others in the future.
