Ride Pics

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Just couldn't get any service here !!!


Just a nice Eastern NC view.


So many great trips, so little time. I have to include several photos -- hopefully I haven't overdone it for you. Only included FJR pics here, but some of my favorites were taken on my Gold Wing also.

1. Two of my favorite shots of my FJR were taken close to my home in Woodland Park, CO -- the first one was taken in my driveway (fresh snow on Pikes Peak in the background) the day that I picked up my 06 FJR in May 2006. No many how many more I take, this is still probably my favorite. The 2nd one was taken in late July on the road coming down from Pikes Peak -- I had just ridden to the top (yes, even a little dirt road remains) with some Gold Wing friends from Ohio. I looks at Pikes Peak every day from my house and had not ridden any of my motorcycles to the top (in the past there were 14 miles of dirt, including the shart switchbacks above timberline, but they have paved the sharp switchbacks above timberline, which is where this 2nd photo was taken.



2. For my FJR on the road, I have some great ones in southern UT and in northern NM, but I really like this one of my FJR on the Highway of Legends (Trinidad to LaVeta) in southern Colorado:


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Okay, I'm throwing the flag on this thread. It clearly states "favorite pic." "Pic" is singular. It doesn't say, "What are all your favorite pics?"

No more multiple pics. We clear? Any violators will be suspended for one week. :angry:

All right. Dismissed.


Okay, I'm throwing the flag on this thread. It clearly states "favorite pic." "Pic" is singular. It doesn't say, "What are all your favorite pics?"
No more multiple pics. We clear? Any violators will be suspended for one week. :angry:

All right. Dismissed.

since I started it I can change it to "pics"

the more the merrier :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

IIRC, that picture is on Hwy 36 between I-5 @ Red Bluff and Hwy 101 in Eureka.

My "favorite" picture is in my mind. There are so many memories, rides and roads I've shared over the years that many times we just didn't take the time to stop or were enjoying the road so much we didn't slow enough to pull the camera out and use it.

Hwy 36 w/ OrangevaleFJR, Hwys 88, 4, 89, 70, 108, 120, 128, 101, 1, 121, and various roads between Sacramento and the Bay area, SoCal, Oregon, Washington, Fresno, the Sequoias, the High Desert of CA and Nv, Idaho, Ut, and the friends and riding buddies from the FJR Forum.

How is a rider to pick out the "favorite" when every memory is still alive and vibrant in my mind and heart?

IIRC, that picture is on Hwy 36 between I-5 @ Red Bluff and Hwy 101 in Eureka.
My "favorite" picture is in my mind. There are so many memories, rides and roads I've shared over the years that many times we just didn't take the time to stop or were enjoying the road so much we didn't slow enough to pull the camera out and use it.

Hwy 36 w/ OrangevaleFJR, Hwys 88, 4, 89, 70, 108, 120, 128, 101, 1, 121, and various roads between Sacramento and the Bay area, SoCal, Oregon, Washington, Fresno, the Sequoias, the High Desert of CA and Nv, Idaho, Ut, and the friends and riding buddies from the FJR Forum.

How is a rider to pick out the "favorite" when every memory is still alive and vibrant in my mind and heart?
Mike, you been drinkin' again....? :glare:

How is a rider to pick out the "favorite" when every memory is still alive and vibrant in my mind and heart?
Mike, you been drinkin' again....? :glare:
Nope. And I hain't fer near onta 30 yars now. Ah wuz even more skeerier win ah wuz been drinkin' en usin' thet "whacky tobacky" en poppin' summa them piyills. :eek: :blink:

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