When I make a conscious decision to ride a motorcycle, I know that I am accepting more risk than if I were to take a cage. Period. If safety were the over-riding factor in all of my decisions, I wouldn't have any fun. As one of my colleagues used to say, "How do you know you're alive if you don't take any chances once in a while?" As Red Sonya asked Conan, "Do you want to live forever?" As John Prine sings, "if you don't loosen up the buckle of your heart and start to chuckle, you're gonna die of boredom".
Nevertheless, I find myself avoiding New Hangover County (statistically the most accident prone county, although not the most fatal, in NC), because I have learned I'm allergic to blunt trauma. Sounds like that road in N GA should be on my avoid list too.
I got run off the road on a curve once, and wound up with a broken collar bone in a patch of poison ivy. My DT360 was upside down on the handlebars and seat, leaking gas. The EMTs didn't want to come get me because of the poison ivy. A concerned citizen called my wife and told her not to worry, your husband has been in a crash and the ambulance is here. When they got me to the hospital, I found out the ER Doctor didn't like hippies when he used the "figure 8" sling as a torture device. On, off. Too short, too long, etc. those were the good old days!
Whoever the rider is, here's to a complete recovery. Motorcycle.