Rider gets stuck on back tire.

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Squids will be squids. She would have missed the rear tire if not for the extended swing arm!

This must be in Florida.
Coming down on Florida are ya. Tags don't look Fl. And not that means much to squids anywhere, but state law says no vertical plate mounting. Besides, they dress like those Southpark cartoon kids. What state are they from again?

Just firing back a little, but your right about those exposed tires from the extensions. Unguarded chains or belts make me think of bad possibilities too.
I think the comment you are responding to was a reference to the several extended swingarms in the clip. (They're really only useful to keep the front end down for straight-line drag racing acceleration but dramatically diminish handling performance on twisty roads, especially with 220 or wider tires like those.) You don't see those things much on sport bikes (except at a drag strip) anywhere that twisty roads predominate as favorite riding venues, and it's no secret that twisty roads are probably rarer in Florida than in any other state.

If you want a heavy dose of having your state regularly dissed for all manner of imagined (or otherwise attributable) deficiencies, try living in California (where it's pretty much undisputed that we have all manner of outstanding twisty motorcycle roads).
Yes, that was the comment I was responding to, hence the included quote.

Yes, what you say about the handling of bikes with the extended swingarms is true too but to assume they can only go straight and therefore operate on straight roads only is an overstatement. I am sure they can turn corners and won't assume they can't roll on twisty roads at some reasonable speeds. I will assume those bike in the video are customized more for "show" and not "go". It's a cool thing to run in pack with similar bikes, clothing, hair-doos, etc. You remember...a teen thing to help pick up chicks or be a HD biker one day. Besides, who says those riders give a rat's tail about twisty roads? "Yep, I want a bike with a swingarm extension. Better pack up and move to Florida just so I can have one."

Yes, I did try living in California but didn't want live with the people who were making their rep. Better to go to Florida and get unjust reps from folks with Florida envy or want to stick up for Colorado. (Did you live there too? Your name and travel map suggests it.)

Never mind the indicators of license plates, clothing, vegetation, architecture, being mostly street legal, etc. if bike design for drag strips is your best logic. exskibum, please tell me you're joking.

Yes, I get it. Thanks for the bike/geography lesson. Note to self; use more smiley icons.
Now can I get back to some lighthearted commentary?

And could someone with better detective skills than exskibum and I please find out where this really took place? I may be embarrassed or may laugh my head off.

A positive side effect of rule 10?

Ya know... I'm surprised here... All the sheep jokes, and other totally off colored responses to simple things like screwing on an oil filter... or dropping a nut...and NOTHIN? Not one off color response?
Ok a few things come to mind here after watching Old Guy's vid.....1st was a collective Holy Shister and gasps....2nd was "Aww well at least he turned it positive by making the Public Service Announcement about wearing gear"! .....then 3rd.....He made a freakin public service announcement about wearing gear!!! Nothing about "Hey don't "F" around with your bike when there are 1/2 inch spikes sticking out of the tires!!! Nope all he got out of that whole thing was to wear proper gear! LOL
Which I guess is better than nothing....LOL

A positive side effect of rule 10?
It was till I stuck my nose in it ;)

I couldn't help it.... I apologize. I possess the desire to behave, but lack the ability to do so.

In my defense... I did hold back... a LOT!

Ok a few things come to mind here after watching Old Guy's vid.....1st was a collective Holy Shister and gasps....2nd was "Aww well at least he turned it positive by making the Public Service Announcement about wearing gear"! .....then 3rd.....He made a freakin public service announcement about wearing gear!!! Nothing about "Hey don't "F" around with your bike when there are 1/2 inch spikes sticking out of the tires!!! Nope all he got out of that whole thing was to wear proper gear! LOL
Which I guess is better than nothing....LOL

I suspect he made it about wearing gear because the manufacturer of those jeans paid him $$$$ to make it about gear

Squids will be squids. She would have missed the rear tire if not for the extended swing arm!

This must be in Florida.
Coming down on Florida are ya. Tags don't look Fl. And not that means much to squids anywhere, but state law says no vertical plate mounting. Besides, they dress like those Southpark cartoon kids. What state are they from again?

Just firing back a little, but your right about those exposed tires from the extensions. Unguarded chains or belts make me think of bad possibilities too.
I think the comment you are responding to was a reference to the several extended swingarms in the clip. (They're really only useful to keep the front end down for straight-line drag racing acceleration but dramatically diminish handling performance on twisty roads, especially with 220 or wider tires like those.) You don't see those things much on sport bikes (except at a drag strip) anywhere that twisty roads predominate as favorite riding venues, and it's no secret that twisty roads are probably rarer in Florida than in any other state.

If you want a heavy dose of having your state regularly dissed for all manner of imagined (or otherwise attributable) deficiencies, try living in California (where it's pretty much undisputed that we have all manner of outstanding twisty motorcycle roads).
Yes, that was the comment I was responding to, hence the included quote.

Yes, what you say about the handling of bikes with the extended swingarms is true too but to assume they can only go straight and therefore operate on straight roads only is an overstatement. I am sure they can turn corners and won't assume they can't roll on twisty roads at some reasonable speeds. I will assume those bike in the video are customized more for "show" and not "go". It's a cool thing to run in pack with similar bikes, clothing, hair-doos, etc. You remember...a teen thing to help pick up chicks or be a HD biker one day. Besides, who says those riders give a rat's tail about twisty roads? "Yep, I want a bike with a swingarm extension. Better pack up and move to Florida just so I can have one."

Yes, I did try living in California but didn't want live with the people who were making their rep. Better to go to Florida and get unjust reps from folks with Florida envy or want to stick up for Colorado. (Did you live there too? Your name and travel map suggests it.)

Never mind the indicators of license plates, clothing, vegetation, architecture, being mostly street legal, etc. if bike design for drag strips is your best logic. exskibum, please tell me you're joking.

Yes, I get it. Thanks for the bike/geography lesson. Note to self; use more smiley icons.
Now can I get back to some lighthearted commentary?

And could someone with better detective skills than exskibum and I please find out where this really took place? I may be embarrassed or may laugh my head off.
Where did I assume anything other than that the comment we both agree you responded to was NOT a slam of Florida??? I'm not sure what you are talking about re: reps, Colorado, or where you got the fodder for your assumptions about what I never said.

To be crystal clear, I wasn't dissing you or your state. Neither was I joking (about what I actually did say, vs. what you may have assumed I meant), nor am I interested enough to take the time to research what state the video was shot in. Have at it if you feel there's a point that needs to be proven, though.

FWIW -- yes, I have also lived in Colorado for a couple years (though I'm not sure how my handle discloses that since I'm a native Californian and have also lived in Nevada). I just turned 61 and have been skiing since 1954 and riding motorcycles since 1965 (on large displacement street bikes since 1971). There are a LOT of parallels between skiing and riding motorcycles, both of which involve managing lateral traction, and both have sub genres that are served by specialized equipment to maximize intended performance.

I am not stupid or inexperienced enough to think an extended swingarm (or, for that matter, an extended front end) can't be ridden on twisty mountain roads, and I never said anything like that. (Here in the Sierra foothills, I seldom see an extended swingarm, but if I were to go to a drag strip, or to an urban California environment or to Florida, they are more common.) Regarding your point about what is possible, I've skied stiff 205cm J-turn slalom skis in mogul fields and ridden rigid, extended fork motorcycles on mountain roads. There was a time in my riding life when I used to think that show (a HD, or an extended front end, molded frame, rigid suspension and lots of chrome) was more important than performance in a street motorcycle. Still, I seldom see J turn slalom skis in a mogul field or extended swing arms on twisty mountain roads. And I thought that was all the other poster was saying in his Florida comment -- they are far more likely to be functional on straight roads where straight line acceleration (esp from a stop) is more important -- e.g., in Florida (and not where "twisty roads predominate as favorite riding venues", to quote my earlier comment.)

Sorry I said anything, but I didn't see the comment you responded to as an offensive slam to Florida and that was all I was trying to suggest. Giving you a lesson was the last thing I had in mind. If you want to make unfounded assumptions about my understanding of any of this, get defensive in case I was lecturing you, or get into an argument, you'll have to do that solo because I've spent way too much time on this non-issue already.


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Keep at it you two... Yer gonna end up 10'd
Dang if you aren't a better authority on the "10'd" subject than I, Barry. I had to check Rule 10 'cause I forgot that the "Images and Videos" area is NOT exempt. I ignorantly considered it "off topic" (FJRs) and immune, but now stand corrected and cowed by that "ID + T" warning (whatever, obviously ominous, that may suggest).

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I think you can select the text you want to be a link first, then click the link button, fill in the blank, and it will make that text into the link.

Ya know... I'm surprised here...
All the sheep jokes, and other totally off colored responses to simple things like screwing on an oil filter... or dropping a nut...and NOTHIN? Not one off color response?...

I gotta say. I'm a little dissapointed.

I'll go first...

Caption: Redefining "Tramp Stamp"

Looking for love in all the wrong places!

I bet he wont be hittin' that for a while.


She was just tryin' to get off!

(I'm done....I almost feel bad about this one... )
It's okay to ride with me this bike has ABS, Ass Braking System.
