Rider Perception test

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That was interesting. They should give some sample questions first so you know what to look for. Cool.

EDIT - my scores were 18/20 and 17/20

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OK, 1st to put up a score, 17/20 for collision test, medium (default) speed.

Feeble excuse for getting some wrong: I'm in the UK, not used to US signs, e.g. railroad crossing signs here are much prettier:


(And, just for the record, we call them "Level crossings".)

Not tried the road signs yet, don't expect to do nearly as well ...

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18/20 on both. Doing this first thing with only half my coffee requirement for the morning. Which is really interesting, does this mean I need to wake up more before coming to work in the morning on the scoot?

20/20 on the first one... 14/20 on the second one... guess I need some practice :huh:

18/20 on the first one

We don't use the diesel signs they showed in TN (AFAIK)

19/20 on the second

20/20 on the signs and 19/20 on the situations.

Would have been perfect on situations, but didn't factor someone, who doesn't exist, merging in front of me on first screen.

Guess I'm good to ride today!

Nice link...thanks

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18 on both. Never seen some of those signs down here in the south. Down here a stop sign says stop and a solid red means stop ahead.

Wow, I was wondering why all of those pictures looked familiar... Those were taken in Vegas.

18/20 on both

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