Rider Perception test

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20/20 on the signs. 17/20 on the situations. Situations are somewhat open to interpretation.

Before I took this test I never realized that an unused bicycle lane was a major hazzard, ha.

And if this was Vegas how come no hooker hazzards, drunk hazzards, suicidal because they lost the rent hazzards, or our house isn't worth half what we owe on it hazzards?

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Cool test. I got 17/20 on the signs and 19/20 on situations.

The first few pictures looked familiar so once they got the strip shot I knew it was Vegas. Didnt make it any easier though...

17/20 on the signs -- although the handicap sign one is wrong as that symbol is used for parking as well as facilities. The railroad crossing ahead vs railroad crossing one was a red herring, who cares?

18/20 on the situation test ... the one I missed (twice) was where there was a right hand turn detour with a bunch of pedestrians nearby. I incorrectly assumed the question had to do with making a right hand turn, since that would be actually challenging ... stating that a light could turn red and you could be trapped in the intersection if you're not paying attention should apply to every question with an intersection in it. :\

I got a 3/20 on the first one and a 2/20 on the second one. But I was text messaging when I took the tests... :glare:

19/20 on Collision Hazards (and I'd argue about that left turning Camaro vs. the van blocking 1/2 the intersection view); 20/20 on Warning Signs.

And I'm tired after a looong day. You want I should practice more?

Of course, we have to take these types of tests yearly at work.

Great link!

20/20 on the signs.

19/20 on the scenarios - but I'd argue my case on the one I got wrong!

But I have been practicing daily! Every time I ride, I'm watching for what could happen and what my escape strategy would be. I try to imagine what the dumbest, most irrational thing the drivers around me could possibly do, then be amazed when they exceed my expectations!

Beware my friends, they're all out to get us!

We seem to be pretty consistant with 18/20ish averages. Any way to find out what the scores are from the "official" MSF course? That would be an interesting comparison

19/20 on signs (I've never seen a sign warning you of a sign ahead!)

18/20 on collisions.

...try adding images in the side (rear view) mirrors to monitor as well (at high speed!) :unsure:

...had a quick video test like that in advanced MSF class a while back.

Then add to that, riding in a group (prefer not to). Even more to pay attn. to :bigeyedsmiley:
