RIDING @ EOM - decisions, decisions

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Well-known member
Jul 20, 2006
Reaction score
Lewisburg, WV
For the undecided, you can now view detailed ride information - previews and pics of EOM 1-6 routes - on the rides section of the website:

EOM Previews of Coming Attractions!

Please note and heed the cautions relative to road conditions.

Ride safe and have tons o' fun. :yahoo:

Travis, you da man, mang. :clapping: :drinks: Many thanks sir.

EDIT: I know there is a lot of text here folks, but there is also good info if you are trying to decide on your routes and they are intended to help keep you safe - please give them a read. The pics ain't too bad either.

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For everyone's information, they should view these "information" text files. There is important info contained here. Please don't blow these files off. Jim took a lot of time to put these together & the files contain road conditions, warnings, places to eat, etc. If you haven't looked already, please do.

Also, please consider this a bump.

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I'll see your bump and raise you another :)

Maybe someone with the 'powa' can sticky this in the EOM section.

Hi Matt... a stick to the top will probably have this lost... & this info needs to be seen.

Also, raised by a bump.

Jim, want to pass on a big THANK YOU! Not being familiar with the area, this is a great help. I know it took you quite some time to put this together. All you guys have done a great job. The effort is obvious. This should be a great EOM. See ya in a few days. :yahoo:

How in the world did this get so far down the list overnight. My computer crapping out a couple of days ago is taking it's toll in an unexpected way. Consider this a huge bump. Please, if this seems to be falling down the list, bump to the top.

