Riding Impression: FJR1300 vs ST1300

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Well-known member
FJR Supporter
Feb 1, 2008
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West Central Alberta
I had the opportunity to ride a friends ST1300 2 days ago.

Here is my $0.02 worth:

The FJR gets my mojo going and I prefer it in every way except for 2 things.

1. The ST is butter smooth compared to the FJR and riding at 140 km/hr for 1 or 2 hours probably would not cause the discomfort in my hands like the FJR has done in a similar situation.

2. The ST has a windshield system that is superior for LD riding. Its travel must be twice that of the FJR and it seemed rock solid to me.

All said, the ST is a great bike but I can't help myself from saying that my impression of the ST is that it was a bit of a pig?

I had a ST1300. More in common with a Goldwing than a FJR. The two are from opposite ends of the sport-touring spectrum.

I got a chance to ride the Honda...before ever having an FJR or riding one. (Never got to actualy ride an FJR until I bought one)

So , had nothing to compare it to other than the Vulcan 750 I had at the time.

The ST felt good. It did everything well, seemed fairly quick, brakes seemed good, and the windscreen WAS nice. It's looks and mannerizims made it feel like I was riding a large scooter...one on steriods that is. It did eveything my FJR would do, except put that idiotic smile on my face.

The Honda ST is the FJR's retarded brother, slower, boring but still something still there to love. If I wanted a bike strictly for LD touring, and did not have my silly need for speed.. I may have actualy bought one.

But I read the comparos (at that time) and heard the whispers/rumors..."the honda IS boring..the FJR is...exciting.." .... " The FJR is the "bionic" ST they made it ...faster, smarter, better..."

After two years with my '06, I am sure glad I listened to to those rumors.

I'd still reccomend the Honda to those whose needs in a bike called for it.


I had the opportunity to ride a friends ST1300 2 days ago.
Here is my $0.02 worth:

The FJR gets my mojo going and I prefer it in every way except for 2 things.

1. The ST is butter smooth compared to the FJR and riding at 140 km/hr for 1 or 2 hours probably would not cause the discomfort in my hands like the FJR has done in a similar situation.

2. The ST has a windshield system that is superior for LD riding. Its travel must be twice that of the FJR and it seemed rock solid to me.

All said, the ST is a great bike but I can't help myself from saying that my impression of the ST is that it was a bit of a pig?
I put approx 1500 miles on my buddies 04 ST1300 while he nursed a broken ankle. It's a great bike.

The easiest way to explain the 2 bikes is that they are both sport-tourers, but the Honda leans more the touring side of sport/touring while the FJR leans more towards the sporting side.

The Honda V-4 motor is a bulletproof sleeper. I myself had described it as vanilla with no real personality. But put a set of Staintunes on it with the baffles out & it definitely is no longer vanilla. I commute daily in NYC with my FJR & like the idea of being a little narrower without the bags on. You take the bags off the ST & it is one Fugley lookin' aborted scooter! But in all fairness the widest part of the St isn't the bags it's the handlebars!

If your still young (or young at heart) the FJR is a no brainer.

I had the opportunity to ride a friends ST1300 2 days ago.
Here is my $0.02 worth:

The FJR gets my mojo going and I prefer it in every way except for 2 things.

1. The ST is butter smooth compared to the FJR and riding at 140 km/hr for 1 or 2 hours probably would not cause the discomfort in my hands like the FJR has done in a similar situation.

2. The ST has a windshield system that is superior for LD riding. Its travel must be twice that of the FJR and it seemed rock solid to me.

All said, the ST is a great bike but I can't help myself from saying that my impression of the ST is that it was a bit of a pig?
I test rode both before buying and your description fits mine exactly. One other thing was that my wife said to me as I was sitting on the ST: "you look like an old man on that thing".

I think many of you have hit the nail on the head (That retarded brother comment is the best though, LOL).

I never rode the ST. I've heard it is a very competent bike and I was seriously considering one. I hate to say it, but if I were 60 I'm sure I would have bought the ST. The young at heart comment I can relate to. I'm 46 and not dead yet! That's why I went with the 2008 FJR! I even work for the local Sheriff's department so I need to be very careful. I still didn't shy away from the brute on the block. I just want something that puts that silly grin on my face and the FJR is also very competent at the sedate side too. I can drive her slowly if it warrants.

I've seen the ST up close and as nice a bike as it is, Honda really screwed the pooch by putting a decal on the tank. The Yamaha logo is so much classier.

My opinion only.

I went to a friends retirement luncheon today and another friend had parked his ST in a cager spot and the one in front of it was wide open so I parked there. He commented that I could have parked next to him and left a spot for others, but I told him that if I shared a parking spot with and ST, first, I would never be able to show my face at an FJR event again and second, my Feej would know and never work right again. I am definately sending knifemakers comments to him though. One more rub and having ridden one myself, I agree, it is a pig compared to the FJR, but then again, not in the same class. To each his own though. B)

:lmaosmiley: The Honda ST is the FJR's retarded brother, slower, boring but still something still there to love.


I never rode the ST. I've heard it is a very competent bike and I was seriously considering one. I hate to say it, but if I were 60 I'm sure I would have bought the ST.
My opinion only.
[SIZE=12pt]Excuse me!?!?!?!?!?[/SIZE]

Young whippersnappers...... :rolleyes:
I was 60 once..................a few years ago.

Go wash yer mouth out with soap, Jr. :lol:

Brother to the FJR? Maybe a half brother, but with a different Father.

At the risk of offending someone I will say that judging from the photos I've seen around this place, I am definately a whippersnapper in comparison.

I will also say that when I am 60 there had better be a Sport-tour bike a whole lot quicker and better handling than the FJR.

Having ridden both of them in a semi-serious purchase situation, and very nearly buying an ST1100, (I originally wanted the ST1300, and didn't feel I could afford it. I test rode the 1300, and ST1100 shortly before I test-rode the FJR) I can put it like this, the ST1300 was a good bike, with a lot of power and handling that is good for a bike of its size. It would be a great bike for running all over a continent, and compared to the BMW I rode, it was smoother and felt 'easier' to ride. Basically, there is only one thing that would keep me from recommending the ST1300 to anyone looking at a sport-touring bike: the FJR.

When I rode the FJR, it was simply better at everything. It has a better sound (the alternator whine on either of Honda's STs is annoying, although better on the new 1300 than it is on the late-gen 1100), the brakes give a little more feedback and felt a little more 'confident' to me, the FJR definitely feels more powerful, feels lighter, and was more comfortable for me. The ST1300 seemed to have a windshield that created a larger bubble, but I felt that with it in the 'down' position it wasn't quite low enough to get my head into the smooth airflow (I often ride with the windshield fully down on my FJR) and with it in the 'up' position, it seemed to deflect the wind blast well away from me, but felt a lot more buffeting than I do on the FJR. I also found the FJR more comfortable, although I understand that just as the comfort factor is going to vary with different people, so is the optimal windshield setup, as some of us have different length arms that position the body further or nearer the windsheild, your height, etc etc...

I've owned both. The ST is well built and very smooth, as you said. But aside from the tingling in my right hand on the FJR, the FJR does everything else better than the ST - including long distance comfort. The ST is not a bad bike, but it's more like an appliance where as the FJR is more involving and more fun.

I think many of you have hit the nail on the head (That retarded brother comment is the best though, LOL).
I never rode the ST. I've heard it is a very competent bike and I was seriously considering one. I hate to say it, but if I were 60 I'm sure I would have bought the ST. The young at heart comment I can relate to. I'm 46 and not dead yet! That's why I went with the 2008 FJR! I even work for the local Sheriff's department so I need to be very careful. I still didn't shy away from the brute on the block. I just want something that puts that silly grin on my face and the FJR is also very competent at the sedate side too. I can drive her slowly if it warrants.

I've seen the ST up close and as nice a bike as it is, Honda really screwed the pooch by putting a decal on the tank. The Yamaha logo is so much classier.

My opinion only.
I'm 55 now and I can tell you that it would take something dramatic to make me want to go back to a ST in 5 years. Like someone said above, I'm actually hoping for faster and better handling - not worse in the next five years! :yahoo:
