Riding Impression: FJR1300 vs ST1300

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Aaaahhh...you guys all suck hind tit. Nah, just kidding - I've owned an 03 & 04 FJR - 45K & almost 5 years on the 04, but it recently sold. A couple months ago I bought an '07 "fully loaded" Wing to replace it. Boy was I stupid. Sold the Wing too & have seriously considered the jump to an ST. I've ridden several & all comments above apply. I think the '08 FJR is calling my name...I need my mojo back...

OK, I have to throw in my 2 cents.

Many have said it. The ST leans more towards the touring end and the FJR towards the sporting end. I actually have both. Well, da wife has a '05 ST (beautiful shade of red. Are you paying attention Yamaha?) and I have a '06 FJR (beautiful shade of blue I must say).

I have ridden them both and they both have thier qualities, but I must say the ST is smoother in most everything. Funny part is that I may go around a curve at a spirited pace with my FJR and think, 'wow that was fun!' I go around with the ST and think' what a nice competent bike. Makes you feel very capable but slower'. However, when I look down at the actual speed, they aren't that far off from one another.

THe ST is very nice. The FJR is just amore fun. It almost boils down that easy.

paul froim Minnesota

Someday, when I'm really really old, oh, say around 35, I'll look into something cushy like an ST.


- Qwindelzorf

(At 25 years old, am I the youngest person here?)

Your supposed to be on a F1 bike (I think that's the designator). FYR, or something like that, I"m in my 40's so I don't keep track of bikes that you lay-down on. I enjoy watching these guys drag their knees though.

Pic: Spokane Raceway park/August 07 by me.


Someday, when I'm really really old, oh, say around 35, I'll look into something cushy like an ST.


- Qwindelzorf

(At 25 years old, am I the youngest person here?)
Your supposed to be on a F1 bike (I think that's the designator). FYR, or something like that, I"m in my 40's so I don't keep track of bikes that you lay-down on. I enjoy watching these guys drag their knees though.

Pic: Spokane Raceway park/August 07 by me.


Someday, when I'm really really old, oh, say around 35, I'll look into something cushy like an ST.


- Qwindelzorf

(At 25 years old, am I the youngest person here?)
Here we go again!!! I have never seen this type of comparison... & never seen different bike comparisons in FJR specific discussion, either. Wow!!!

Here we go again!!! I have never seen this type of comparison... & never seen different bike comparisons in FJR specific discussion, either. Wow!!!
Ah well, it's always fun. Personally I never get tired of it... that and Harley bashing (seriously. I'm not being sarcastic).

Your supposed to be on a F1 bike (I think that's the designator). FYR, or something like that, I"m in my 40's so I don't keep track of bikes that you lay-down on. I enjoy watching these guys drag their knees though.
Pic: Spokane Raceway park/August 07 by me.


Someday, when I'm really really old, oh, say around 35, I'll look into something cushy like an ST.


- Qwindelzorf

(At 25 years old, am I the youngest person here?)

Your supposed to be on a F1 bike (I think that's the designator). FYR, or something like that, I"m in my 40's so I don't keep track of bikes that you lay-down on. I enjoy watching these guys drag their knees though.
Pic: Spokane Raceway park/August 07 by me.


Someday, when I'm really really old, oh, say around 35, I'll look into something cushy like an ST.


- Qwindelzorf

(At 25 years old, am I the youngest person here?)
When I was young..in my teens and twenties...I dreamed of touring long distance - far away places...not hot rodding around town. Quite frankly, I didn't pick up on the sport side of touring 'till i became an old fuddy duddy and got an FJR and started racing riding around with some of you lunatics.

My fjr gets so many positive looks and remarks from the opposite sex that the ST, which is the "FJR's retarded brother," is the jealous one as well.

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I also spent a great deal of time trying to decide years ago-the clincher then was the Honda always looked (to me) like a big scooter. That hasn't changed.

I had the opportunity to ride a friends ST1300 2 days ago.

1. The ST is butter smooth compared to the FJR and riding at 140 km/hr for 1 or 2 hours probably would not cause the discomfort in my hands like the FJR has done in a similar situation.

Being the eternal skeptic that I am, I really doubted that syncing the throttle bodies on the FJR could render a smoother ride even though all the wise here said so.

Well I think I was wrong. I synced the throttle bodies last week and rode approx. 900 miles on weekend and I can say that my FJR has never been smoother. (has about 4500 miles) Very slight, barely discernable discomfort in the hands after several hours of riding at a spirited pace.

Me happy. :)

I had the opportunity to ride a friends ST1300 2 days ago.

1. The ST is butter smooth compared to the FJR and riding at 140 km/hr for 1 or 2 hours probably would not cause the discomfort in my hands like the FJR has done in a similar situation.

Being the eternal skeptic that I am, I really doubted that syncing the throttle bodies on the FJR could render a smoother ride even though all the wise here said so.

Well I think I was wrong. I synced the throttle bodies last week and rode approx. 900 miles on weekend and I can say that my FJR has never been smoother. (has about 4500 miles) Very slight, barely discernable discomfort in the hands after several hours of riding at a spirited pace.

Me happy. :)
Well, that's good to hear. I'm on the verge of one or the other. One thing I was hoping to improve this time around was to stop the vibration to my hands (would've been a deal-breaker on my '04 w/o my MCCruise). TBS's helped on my '04, but vibes still always there above about 60mph. Decisions, decisions...
