Riding Too Much

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Jun 8, 2007
Reaction score
Shingle Springs, California
Yeah, well I'll take a break when I'm dead.

I rarely commute on my bike, but I seldom fail to go riding if I'm not at work.

But lately, it's been like a sickness.

I'm not eating right.

I've almost given up drinking - can't drink if you wanna ride.

Has baseball season started? I'm losing touch with normal life.

I've given up even taking the time to mark my map.


In just these last couple of weeks,...

I've taken an all-day into the mountains with my brother Sean...on his Wing...



He makes you hustle down the road.


Then I talked Sacramento Mike into a run up the hill. What a prick. :D



Then, of course the highlight of the week, was accompanying our very own Tyler on an

all-day excursion to look at some high-country. Excellent day.



Aaaand, just as the new week was starting,

Sean called and asked if I'd take him to the motorcycle store.

He'd bought another one, and it was ready for pick up.

Well, I couldn't go get him on my FJR, (this ain't Michigan, and dudes don't ride 2-up)

so I was forced to

drive something with doors. Good thing. This happened on the way to get him.


Well, he was sure a happy boy. He was having a hard time living with only seven motorcycles.

He got himself one of these.


It's a neat bike ('08 B-King) and it has two modes. (A little button on the tank must be pushed.)

"B" mode is visciously, stupid fast. "A" mode is a lot faster.

And there are some who don't like the styling. Screw 'em. HE likes it.


Okay, well, I'm done riding with that bastard.

Sooo, the next day, Dr. Rich and I were sitting in the hot tub, and as we chatted,

he nudged me under the water, (with his toe......I think),

and suggested WE take a ride into the Sierras. Sure thing!

Well, I neglected to put a memory card into my main camera, so I only have a couple

of photos of that ride. Sorry Rich.

We went up 49 to 89 to Quincy, and then back on 70. Beautiful day.



Yeah, good try Doc. I'm NOT going under that bridge to look at ANYTHING!


Above the Truckee Valley, I think.


Rich making friends. He took their camera.


We had a great ride. He's an excellent riding campanion - for being a cheesebag and all.

Then, today ....well, I'll be right back with that.

...and then today, even though I got a late start, I still got out for a few hours.

Drove to Placerville, turned north, and it looked like this...


Have you ever seen these things up close? Their heads are as big as a house!


You wouldn't want to climb this tree naked.







Oh please.



Got one of these to take with me.



Lots of this. (Wentworth Springs Rd.)




Stopped and ate my sammy.


at Stumpy Meadows Reservoir.




I'd planned on making it to Loon Lake, but didn't get that far. A lot of mountain roads

don't get plowed here. Another week, and it should be all clear.


Well, I turned around and zoomed back to Georgetown, headed North to Auburn,

across the bridge and down the hill to home.


The warmest day of the year so far, and a very nice ride.

So there you go.

Oops. It's morning. I gotta check my tires and get on the road. Have a good weekend.

Some very fine craic there, My Paddy Lad! Old Michael, you do indeed create the finest Ride Reports on our FJR Forum.

It's your fellow Mick, BeemerDonS; typing this from the Renassance Hotel in McAllen, Texas. As soon as all the crew have their bikes packed up after desayuno, we cross the border at Reynosa and head South to San Luis Potosi. Los Patricios!!!

I don't believe there is a thing as.... Too much riding ...... you keep

going stud and get lots of pics for those of us who CAN'T ride that much

right now!!!!!


Very Nice...I guess Old guys get to ride more since clearly you must work less to have all this time!! :blink: Awesome, thanks for sharing all the pics.

As usual...another fine Ride Report. Good to see you're still out and about.

Long time no talk to. Hope you are doing well.

As soon as all the crew have their bikes packed up after desayuno, we cross the border at Reynosa and head South to San Luis Potosi.
Making me cry beemerdons. Geez, I'd love to be going with ya'll.

So does this mean there are trees that you would want to climb naked?
Well, of course tcfjr. Don't tell me you get dressed every time you go tree-climbing...

Old Michael has the disease real bad.. :clapping:
Yeah but I think they have something for that nowadays... ;)
Don. Tyler. I will not participate in your sly innuendo-ing.

Long time no talk to. Hope you are doing well.
Holy cow Reggie! Where have YOU been? Good to see you're alive!

Great pix, I'm heading up there soon!
I'll believe it when I see it Simon. And what is with the meat in your new avatar?

And a few more for a friend- :D

Latrobe Rd.




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