Riding with a Migraine

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Well-known member
Dec 23, 2006
Reaction score
Grand Junction, CO
The day starts out great.

Woke up and asked the wife if she wants to have lunch in Lake City.

So we took a little day ride from Grand Junction to Lake City, Colorado, about 170 miles one way. Great roads and views etc.

I wasn't really pushing it just enjoying the bike. I been here before, on a cruiser, this FJR is a lot more fun.

My wife follows me in her Miata with the two dogs. (Long story why she drives the car and not on the bike with me).

I was just cresting a pass near Cimarron, when I could not see part of the ODO or the speedo.

MY thoughts were "DAMN, DAMN, DAMN, son of a bitch, etc, etc, hate these fucken things, etc."

Stop the bike at the first safe pull off.

Wife asked what is wrong? Migraine I yell! Now I am repeating my thoughts out loud, as I am getting the Imitrex nasal spray.

Here comes the gagging, nastiest taste you can get. The worst thing is not knowing how bad it is going to be.

Wife wants to know after the gagging, if she should call the kids to get the bike?

I told her lets see how far I can get before it hits.

I start down the hill behind a large fifth wheel motor home. I at this time am missing part of my vision, kind of like a larger than normal blind spot in the upper left quadrant of my view. If it stays this way it will not be to bad, if I lose complete vision in my left eye, it is really going to suck.

Damn now I see some aura developing. Crap Crap crap, etc.

I can't push it faster because, I can't trust there is a clear left lane. I relax as much as possible, concentrate, concentrate.

Last bar on the gas gage disappears, got to stop in Cimarron, can't chance being stuck on the side of the road.

Two quick gallons and back in the saddle.

Now the road clears out a little, the wife right behind me. Pass Montrose, vision coming back, this is going to suck, again.

Yup same fucken spots.

I increase speed some, too many cops to really open it up. Sun sucks, engine noise sucks, keep pushing home. Cal science wind shield up all the way, no wind noise, this helps a lot. An hour of this and I am in my own bed, dark, quiet, cool room, just need to sleep it off.

Because of these damn things, I can go any where I want, because of these damn things I have more days than I want I can't do or go any where.

It is the day after the initial, hit. I have some dull pain, and the kids want me to go riding dirt bikes.

**** it, I am going!!

Have a great day all.

Migraines are just weird. The fact that the usually start at certain ages boggles my mind. Mine began when I was five. They were common when I was a kid and became less common as I grew older. I haven't had one in about 10 years. My last ones were when I was stationed in the Azores in a very small communication station. If any of you guys were pilots during the first gulf war, you may remember placing MARS calls from the aircraft. If you remember that, you should remember the call sign CUW20. Well that was me, or Gary working the CUW20 radios and we were the only two radio operators there handling both operational traffic and morale phone patches for aircrews. Few people knew that aircrews were so busy back then that they didn't get home to their families at all for over a year.

Anyway, when you are the only guy around to handle operational traffic for the Maries, Army and Navy and the only guy around to coordinate phone patches for aircrews to their families that they haven't seen or talked to except through these calls and you have 50+ aircraft in queue waiting for calls, you don't stop. Many times I'd turn out the lights and operate only from the light the radio LCD put out, and even that was too bright and I had to cover it with paper to work from the indirect light. Many times I would be throwing up (the result of keeping going with a migraine) while listening to the radios, in agony and in no condition to operate, but I went on.

Would I do that on a motorcycle? I think not. I know the impact of diesel fumes in the nose while suffering from a migraine. I started getting these things so young that I think I just learned to deal with pain. This can be good and bad. Nothing like dealing with pain so well that your appendix has to burst to make you feel that going to the Dr. is necessary.

That said, the headaches quit when I was 30. I don't know why, and I don't mind at all. I feel for you and I hope yours stop too!

I started getting migraines that screwed my vision around age 11. Over the years, I found if I avoid as much caffeine as possible, I will only get one or two a year. However, if I drink more then one soda or cup of coffee a week it will bring one on.

I must also avoid most sausage. I am sure this me being allergic to something in most sausage, but it will trigger a migraine.

I am not sure about others, but I found cold helps me with migraines. Once when I was out and a migraine hit the manager of a restaurant let me sit on a milk crate in the freezer for 30 minutes to give the meds enough time to kick in. As a kid, I sat in a tub of cold water, sometimes adding ice to help me get past the pain. For me it seems cold stops the progression of my symptoms. I am one of the lucky ones, when my migraines hit it will take 30 minutes or so for me to get the full pain.

I feel for you!!!
