Riding with Dogs

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Active member
Apr 7, 2010
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Cincinnati, OH
Anybody out there have a setup so their favorite canine companion can tag along? I have been entertaining the idea because my pup loves to go for rides. She is about 35lbs right now and won't be getting much bigger. I have seen a few setups for the passenger pillion and also some different trailers (WAGS Trailer) that are built specifically for pets. The trailers are small enclosed ones with windows and vents (base price is $3095! :eek: ). Pretty cool idea but quite pricey for me. I would like to build something specific for my bike as I have the Givi top case and thought that would work good for the back and a starting point for a small box of some sort.

Anyway, let me know if I'm crazy or if you guys have any ideas.



Paging Marcusorelius, please answer the white courtesy phone...


There used to be a company that made crates specifically designed for motorcycles. They're out of business, but you can sometimes find their stuff on ebay. Can't remember the name, but they were wire crates you could order in a few sizes.

Also, a quick search came up with these...



https://www.tbags.com/detail.aspx?ID=57&SelectedCat=3 (although "T-Bags" is not what I would call a product...but that's neither here nor there...)

My problem is the fact that I am getting two different dogs, one of which is about 70 pounds. So I need to find out what the tow rating is for the motorcycle, and I'm thinking about getting a hitch, a harbor freight trailer, and then attaching a sturdy aluminum dog crate to it via hardware. If the tow rating for an FJR is high enough, I can do that. Then I need to think of some way to block the exhaust sound and fumes so they don't become deaf and sick. But if you look around, there are LOTS of motorcycle dogs. They even have their own motorcycle club with official patch and whatnot....https://www.bikerdogsmc.org/

Good luck on your search man and if you figure it out, post some pics!


PS - Towing a trailer with an aluminum or other dog crate should be no problem. Saw many posts of people towing up to 600 lbs with the FJR! So a 35 lb dog and maybe 100 lb trailer shouldn't be a thing!!!

Also, if THIS can be done, I think you can get your dog riding with you.....


If ya find ya can rig your topbox fer the dog, a windshield was my best idea, as duke can travel far & fast (he's done over 10k mikes & been up to 125mph. You would have to rig a mirror system to see him, as I check on how duke's do'n constantly. Also hopefully yer dog will like it, I wouldn't ride with duke if he didn't love it!


Duke's shield works, but if your dog doesn't mind wearing them, a set of doggles will work well. You get flying object protection as well as UV protection.



For a 35 lb dog, I'd look at building a box to tie into the pillon seat mount and the givi rack.

Duke's shield works, but if your dog doesn't mind wearing them, a set of doggles will work well. You get flying object protection as well as UV protection.


For a 35 lb dog, I'd look at building a box to tie into the pillon seat mount and the givi rack.
ah whaaa...time to put down that bottle... :yahoo:


Molly, our Spoodle (cross Cocker Spaniel and Minature Poodle) has been for a few rides, but I haven't made a suitable long-term arrangement. I have toyed with some ideas based on the Givi rack, but nothing definite yet.


Been planning on doing something for my dog too.

She is only 40# but IMO way to big to put ON the bike so it'll be a trailer for me.

I think any quality 'travel' crate bolted down to a small frame trailer will work fine. I have the crate so I just need the trailer. I bought an aluminum trailer for ~$1000 but decided I could do something simpler so sold the trailer.

If ya find ya can rig your topbox fer the dog, a windshield was my best idea, as duke can travel far & fast (he's done over 10k mikes & been up to 125mph. You would have to rig a mirror system to see him, as I check on how duke's do'n constantly. Also hopefully yer dog will like it, I wouldn't ride with duke if he didn't love it!
This setup might work out nicely for our little Pug. Ideally I would like to be able to bring my wife and our two dogs on trips. I know this would be much better accomplished in the car, but there isn't much of a challenge in that... I think it is more than feasible to haul around another person along with a 15lb and 35lb dog. Plus, my wife loves to ride with me but we can't easily leave the dogs behind we don't have anybody to watch them and I would rather not pay for boarding. I have introduced Callie to the FJR and have actually had her sititng on the seat with it running. She was nervous the first couple times but now if I get on the bike and she is outside, she comes over to me like she is trying to figure out where she is going to sit. Lol.

Been planning on doing something for my dog too.She is only 40# but IMO way to big to put ON the bike so it'll be a trailer for me.

I think any quality 'travel' crate bolted down to a small frame trailer will work fine. I have the crate so I just need the trailer. I bought an aluminum trailer for ~$1000 but decided I could do something simpler so sold the trailer.
I am picking up a Monogo trailer this weekend and had already thought about how it could be modified as a pet hauler. This trailer could incorporate the windshield idea and both dogs could probably fit just fine back there. Possibly cut a few holes in the cover and attach windshields to them or something? Perhaps put the windshields on hinges so it could double as a hauling trailer when the dogs didn't come with? I think the doggles are a great idea too!








When I was young and stoopid, I took my kitten on a mcy ride...to the vet...in the middle of winter...in the snow. I didn't have a car, and I rode all winter so what the heck...I did it. I don't think the little kitty liked the ride.

But I guess this isn't a helpful suggestion for you dog lovers, as I doubt yer dogs would want to ride IN your zipped up leather jacket.

When I was young and stoopid, I took my kitten on a mcy ride...to the vet...
I did that with a kitten. Put it in a cardboard box resting on the tank of my Tiger Cub.
Good kitten that one; in the vets she was approached by an inquisitive German Shepherd. Frightened it into cowering under its owner's chair with a hiss and a swipe. A 6 ounce cat frightening a 30-odd pound dog. Good kitten, that. :exhappysmiley:

Doesn't help these days, though, they don't make magnetic cardboard boxes. :rolleyes:

[SIZE=24pt]@marcusorelius [/SIZE]

Did you line the interior of the side case with heat reflective material to help manage heat from the exhausts?

Just occured to me that might be anice addition to line the bottom with heat managing material. Unsure how warm it even gets, though.

I know if you stuffed a Chihuahua into the glove box that'd be one hot dog! ;)

He's gotta thick plush pad to sit on, it don't get unusually hot in the bag (i've stuck my hand in there to make sure) We live in Az which can get pretty hot, so I make sure to stop frequentlly & he gets a lot of water!

Well I'm heading to North Carolina tomorrow after work to pick up my new (to me) Monogo trailer. Might be modifying it somehow to accomodate the pups. It would be nice to have a spare top cover so they could be changed out depending on the travel arrangements. Hopefully the weather holds out though... Scattered T-storms on the horizon.

