I removed the saddle bag and noticed the forward upper notch in the fairing where the saddle bag is hung there are cracks in the two corners, as though pressure from a tip over might make with the weight of the bike resting on the saddlebag. This is turning into a mess. The cracks are only a quarter inch long each. How the heck can I fix this? I don't want to go with fiberglass repair. Is there any alternative short of buying a new saddlebag and fairing?
Cracks in the tupperware or cracks in the high-impact plastic that bolts to the sub frame? If the former...I wouldn't worry about it structurally....that's a cosmetic call.
If you have cracks in the actual strucutre that holds the bags on...then you're going to need to pull off the tupperware and have a serious looksee....and I don't think fiberglassing is going to be the option. Here's a close-up of Gen I subframe that shows the black plastic of the bag mounting points and centerstand hand-hold.