RIP my friend. Another tragic loss.

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Very tragic. This man should still be alive. The driver needs to be charge with vehicular manslaughter... it is not a viable excuse to simply say "I didn't see him". Perhaps jail time will improve his eyesight.... but it's not going to bring Mike back.


Very tragic. This man should still be alive. The driver needs to be charge with vehicular manslaughter... it is not a viable excuse to simply say "I didn't see him". Perhaps jail time will improve his eyesight.... but it's not going to bring Mike back.

The article states that speed was not a factor but it does not mention whether or not any citations were issued to the SUV driver.

What a tragic loss. I can only hope for healing on the part of his family and friends.

I could not help but notice in the report how they mention "Speeding" and "Was not wearing a helmet" Both of these pointed to the cyclist.

As if putting a helmet on would make us all safe from the real issues. The cager was at fault ... bottom line. investigate "Why" the driver of the

SUV pulled out in front of a rider... Sorry, just ticks me off that a life was lost for the same "I didn't see them" excuse.

So sorry for the loss of your friend.

May time and the memories of his life gradually relieve the pain. Our words cannot.

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Thanks again for the kind words.

His oldest daughter just came by work to pick up his things. She asked if I could walk her out to her car, and she sobbed in my arms.

Again, thank you everyone for your kind words. Taking the tragedy out of it, theres blame on both sides. The car for not paying attention, and Mike shoulda been wearing a helmet. But other secondary reports Ive heard secondary reports say a helmet wouldnt have saved him, but at this point its all speculation.

Stay safe out there guys.

Thanks again for the kind words.
His oldest daughter just came by work to pick up his things. She asked if I could walk her out to her car, and she sobbed in my arms.

Again, thank you everyone for your kind words. Taking the tragedy out of it, theres blame on both sides. The car for not paying attention, and Mike shoulda been wearing a helmet. But other secondary reports Ive heard secondary reports say a helmet wouldnt have saved him, but at this point its all speculation.

Stay safe out there guys.
I guess it would depend on how far you want to take the what-ifs. People who don't ride could easily, and maybe accurately, argue that he would have been fine in a car with air bags and seat belts. We all accept a certain level of risk by riding these things in the first place. Most of us here choose to reduce that level of risk by wearing gear, but it's no guarantee.

Your friend was killed by a careless driver. That's sad enough without putting yourself through the mental anguish of what-ifs.

It was good of you to spend that time with his daughter. That had to be tough.

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I've wondered if "I didn't see them" should be considered an admission of careless driving and then a contributing factor to any injuries or damages caused as a result.

Very sorry to hear of your friend's passing. There are so many other things I want to say about the driver of that SUV among many other things, but I will keep my rants to myself, and I will keep you and your friend and his family in my thoughts and prayers.

My deepest condolences.

I am *ALWAYS* looking for bikes while in the car... truth be told, I almost pulled out in front of a bike that had a dim headlight and was barreling down the road.. I did *NOT* see him until the last second and threw the car into reverse to get out of the roadway.

So the "I did not see the motorcycle" can and does happen unfortunately.

Wear bright gear and get a modulating headlight!

I am *ALWAYS* looking for bikes while in the car... truth be told, I almost pulled out in front of a bike that had a dim headlight and was barreling down the road.. I did *NOT* see him until the last second and threw the car into reverse to get out of the roadway.
So the "I did not see the motorcycle" can and does happen unfortunately.

Wear bright gear and get a modulating headlight!
Very true. I was entering I-430 in Little Rock earlier this week. I came up the entrance ramp at a good, merging speed, and a guy went by me on a motorcycle slowly in the right-hand lane while I was in the merge lane. I had to slow to let him clear me before I ran out of merging room. After he cleared me, I checked my mirror and, as is my habit, leaned forward to sweep it, and damned if there wasn't a woman on another one in my blind spot. Both lanes to their left were completely clear, but they had the right of way and they were not going to relinquish it. I told my wife there was no way I'd have stayed in that right-hand lane. As soon as I saw that car come up that ramp, I'd have been one lane to the left.

We can gripe and carry on all we want about other drivers and what idiots they are and how they shouldn't be driving if they can't see something the size of a motorcycle, but it'll do no good. We have to learn to take responsibility for your own safety.

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It's never cool to hear of these things. Godspeed to Mike. And prayers for peace, acceptance and understanding to his family and friends.
