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Well-known member
Sep 30, 2005
Reaction score
San Diego, CA
I must admit I liked it...A LOT. However, I was surprised to find heat hitting me near the knee area though on both sides. Most mag reviews lead me to believe it was eliminated. It is preferred to my '04 which roasts my "you know whats" at times. Just a bit disappointed there was any at all on the '07 (and the "vents" were closed). Seemed like it could be annoying on warmer days. Anyway, really liked the bike overall and preferred it to an '07 ST1300 I rode Monday which puts out quite a bit more heat in my opinion.

Any "heat" comments from you 06+ owners?

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Ding, ding, ding! We have our first over-the-top thread moved to NEPRT for 2008. :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

Congratulations! You should feel a mocked sort of way. :blink:

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I don't think he was wearing pants, as he said his "you know whats" got roasted...


Guessing he was wearing a dress?

(Just kidding sure you do have balls)

Speaking of which...

Is there a bike that , after running for a good length of time , does not put out any heat?


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After reading this post, it just occured to me that I might try to take the liner out from underneath the tank on my '07 for the winter months. I wish I would have thought about that this past weekend when I was doing the TBS. Thanks for reminding me where ALL that heat was at on an ICE.

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The intent was not NEPRT. Just disappointed because I thought this was solved and I've been bragging on Yamaha all over the ST1300 forums and criticizing Honda for not fixing the ST. Guess I need to eat crow over there. But since I indulge in dresses (without panties), all is suddenly explained. I'll be sure to wear kneepads too next time...

The intent was not NEPRT. Just disappointed because I thought this was solved and I've been bragging on Yamaha all over the ST1300 forums and criticizing Honda for not fixing the ST. Guess I need to eat crow over there. But since I indulge in dresses (without panties), all is suddenly explained. I'll be sure to wear kneepads too next time...
Yes, because "heat" is so objective and universally perceived. We all know exactly the same whether a bike is hot or not.


Point is you've picked arguably the most subjective nitpick on the FJR. I, for one, think the Gen I bikes are just fine....that there was nothing to fix, and the Jiffy-Pop top of the Gen II was a waste of engineering. Ask somebody else and they have a completely different opinion and think Gen II's still belong in the 7th level of Hell.

...hence...about anything about FJR heat finds it's way into this thread area.

You want it not to, then back it up with empirical data. How many degrees was it?

....and to cut ahead to the inevitable other pointless recurring point.......all FJR's produce the same amount of do all 1300 cc bikes running stoichometric combustion's about heat management....which is also subjective.

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I traded my 05 for a new 07 primarily because of uncomfortable and nearly impractical fixes required to reduce extreme heat and rider discomfort. But I live where it's very hot and very humid 4-5 months of the year. A lot of one's "heat experience" IMO has to do with physical size (height, inseam etc.). and riding style. I have a 30" inseam and hug the tank tight and often.

Compared to the 05, my 07 is a substantial improvement in areas of rider comfort and general air flow. No need to eat crow on anyone's forum IMHO, especially around owners of the FUgly ST1300s.


..... Just disappointed because I thought this was solved and I've been bragging on Yamaha all over the ST1300 forums and criticizing Honda for not fixing the ST. Guess I need to eat crow over there. ....

Well, there are many owners that will tell you the "problem" was solved. As Iggy pointed out, this can be a very subjective thing. I never rode a Gen I bike, but I will tell you that I do not percieve any annoying heat on my 06...but then you must have missed my (rhetorical) question :

Is there a bike that does not put out any heat?

Other than Afasts Schwin, I would say NO. My god you have a huge internal cumbustion engine between your legs , some heat will always be felt..but how much and how it effects you can depend on the rider, the ambient temp, and the bike itself.

My ride on a ST1300 I did notice it was much "warmer" than my bike. Riders of the new Connie say that they notice abit of engine heat, and my freinds BMW is cooking something, and my neighbors Goldwing is just damn hot in the summer...

So, you go back to the Honda ST board and tell them the Gen II FJR still has them beat in this area... ;)


This subject depends on the person...I also have an 07 HD Road King Classic that is supposed to be hot as hell and yet last summer I did not feel the heat others said was there and it's air cooled. My 07 FJR is as cool as it needs to be IMHO.

I've ridden my '07 in varying temps and have never noticed the heat you speak of. Maybe you just need to ride faster (LOL)!!! Seriously though, I feel some heat when sitting still in triple digit temps and the fans kick on, but that is about it.

You want it not to, then back it up with empirical data. How many degrees was it?
Harbor Freight has a sale on infrared digital thermometers. it'd be a great tool to document heat from different sources on your '07. you could then run an 03-05 over the same course with the same ambient temp/rh and take readings from the same places for a comparison.

the web site shows a $39.99 price (normally $59.99) but i got one for $29.99 in the store.

Yet another data point...

Yesterday I rode my '08 in various states of slow speed (<5mph), extended idling, for around 2 hours, temp was in the low 60's (traininig class). I'll be darned if I could feel any heat through my riding gear. If I took my glove off I could feel the heat down by my knees, but it was more like warmth.

Actually, for that type of riding, my '07 'Wing puts out more noticeable heat in the shin area, not objectionable, but could certainly be felt through my riding gear.


Tahoe...nevermind the naysayers ...I traded my deep-oven-roaster `04 for an `07 and believe you me, the 2nd gen machine is far superior in the heat dep`t. I`ve been riding bikes since 1969 and I know whats hot and whats not. I noticed last summer what little heat hit the bottom of my legs never got any hotter even at 44' celsius. My ole `04 just got progressively hotter as ambient temps went up, untill the machine was too brutal to ride...thats when I got on my kewl st1100 for relief. Yes the problem was solved in the new generation FJR! :assassin:

My 06 was jet blasting heat directly on both of my ankles during the summer. After reading these threads I looked closely at where it came from and saw that the foam did not block it or even touch the fairing. I added some foam to where it blew past. It solved the heat problem.

Did anyone here ever think that the factory tech during assembly fucked up on some of the bikes and not others.

I also removed the foam for the winter and early spring riding for its benefit.


Did anyone here ever think that the factory tech during assembly fucked up on some of the bikes and not others.
Possibly, but I think somebody would need to round up a heater and non-heater....and take some temperature readings with an infrared thermometer to isolate subjectivity from the equation. Maybe we need to make it a clinic at NAFO or something.

Your not imagining things with this heat issue. My 06 puts out more heat than i was expecting after reading all the yamaha modifications to this Gen. i was expecting something more around the lines of my old st1100. What i got was something in between. Heat was my biggest concern with my purchase since i just sold an st1300 that fried me. you'll notice less heat if you keep the shield in down position. as you raise the shield, the heat tends to get sucked up into the rider. The yamaha modifications are also dependent on movement. The st13 will cook you on the highway. The FJR really stays comfortable at speed. you'll also notice elevated heat in city driving (20-30mph) speeds. it just not quite enough to clear the hot air that accumulates inside of all that plastic.

yamaha did a great job trying to elimate this issue (and its a night and day difference between it and the Gen 1), but they could only do so much. We'll probably get flambayed for even mentioning the issue on these Gen II bikes, but i agree that theres more heat coming out of there than on any of my previous 10 bikes (except that st1300).

Heat is one of those 'relative" discussions. Just depends on what your coming from.


All FJRs are NOT created the same.

I have two 04 FJRS and they are completely different when it comes to heat felt by the rider. On a 1 to 10 scale of discomfort, one is a 2, and one is a 7. Eventually, when the hot one becomes my primary FJR I will have to do something about the heat, or I will get rid of it. I would not be able to live with it the way it is in hotter temperatures, whereas my cooler one barely bothers me at all.

My guess? Iggy is wrong and not all FJRs produce the same amount of heat due to varying mixture ratios.
