Road conditions on NM 111

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Lee B.

Well-known member
Jun 6, 2008
Reaction score
Leawood, KS
I'm planning a Santa Fe to Santa Fe loop for September. Actually, I'm planning three but have a question about one loop.

The preliminary route is SF north to Abiquiu then on up to Chama. On the return take 64 to 285 at Tres Piedras then south on 285 back to Santa Fe. 285 looks very straight and maybe boring, so I'm looking for a way to cut that L shaped section of 285 that might be more interesting.

Here is the question: West of Tres Piedras there is a turn off for NM 111 that heads south and eventually t's into 285 a little north of Ojo Caliente. I've looked on Google maps and can tell that a lot of NM 111 is paved. It also looks like some of it, particularly after the turn off from 64, is unpaved. Any information on how much of NM 111 is unpaved and what the road condition is like (gravel, packed dirt, rutted dirt forest service road, etc.)?

Thanks for any help.

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If you follow 111 north from 285 until it makes that little heartbeat jog to the left, you will see FR437 there. From 64 to 437 is dirt. Maybe half dirt, half pavement. There are way better routes than getting off of 64.

Take 64 past Tres Piedras straight towards Taos. Take pictures at the Gorge Bridge and then go south into Taos. On the south side of town is the turn off to Angelfire. That will again be 64. Take that to Angelfire. Turn south on 434 and head out of town. A few miles south of Angelfire, the map is decieving. To continue on 434 ro Mora, you have to turn off of 434 towards Black Lake. It shows as the intersection with 120.

Once on Mora, make a right and take 518 to 75. Take that south towards Peñasco and Chimayo. Don't go all the way to Chimayo. Turn south on 503 towards Nambe. Follow that to the end. You will pop out on 84 just north of Pojoaque. 84 will be the only stretch of multilane 'boring' road as you head into Santa Fe.

That portion I've given you is part of the Enchanted Circle. Ask any of the SWFOG attendees from the Taos trips. Those roads are a blast.

HRZ, thanks for the reply. The part u mentioned east of tres piedras is another days loop other than taking the turn off to Angel Fire. THAT part is for the trip home from SF to KC.

From what u said about 111and the dirt we will probably go that way or down 519(?) instead of 285 which just looks very straight. That section of 111 is maybe only 30 miles in total so the dirt can't be too long so worth a try unless we get heavy rains.

If all that doesn't make sense let me know. And I totally agree about the road east of Taos...I did that a year ago coming home from a SW CO, and northern NM ride.

Yeah, 285 is pretty straight. Why not just pass the turn off to 64 and follow 84 all the way to Espanola? I sent my brother a message to see what he knows about 111. He lives in Red River, and rides 64 all the time. You can PM him if you want. He is Patch308. NM forest roads are just that. Sometimes they're great and sometimes they blow. The hood thing about 111 is it looks wide enough and short enough that of you have to turn around, you can.

Send me a PM a couple weeks before you come out. Maybe we can hit some of those roads.

HRZ---We'll be going in a loop clockwise so the Espanola to Chama is part one. Then back track a little from Chama to take a left on 64 over to Tres Piedras then on home to SF. So, looking for something more interesting than that straightest part of 285 and maybe 111 is it. It looks to be 2/3 paved, 1/3 packed dirt so will probably give it a try since the dirt part is up where we'd get on it and if not good we'd turn around w/o too much of a back track.

The other loops are: Santa Fe to the gorge, then back track to Taos then take the back way home through Chimayo. And, then SF to Bandelier, Jemez monument, San Ysidro, drop over and down to Madrid then home to SF. All subject to change but a loop a day, each loop is about 250 miles. I like to stop a lot and take photos, sniff cactus, etc. Planning on the three loops to be 9/15, 16, 17.

Oface---sounds like you know from experience, yes?

Oface is just mad because he got the hose. Wouldn't listen.

Just got off the phone with Patch. Said he probably wouldn't do that road on his GS. He said he'll talk with some guys that work the area, bUT last time he was on it it was super rough and deep sand. I may head up later this summer and see how it looks. Depends on winter and maintenance, and there's still snow up there.

Seriously, don't be afraid to run any of those roads more than once. If you're set against 285, just ride to Taos and down to SF that way. I've ridden that road a hundred times, and it's still fun.

HRZ; Don't go to any extra trouble scouting this out. I think the unpaved part is right off of 64 so we'll probably be able to judge pretty quickly how it looks. Rutted, dry packed dirt would probably not be a problem but sand is not good.

I'm not dead set against 285, just looking for potential alternatives. If we continue on 64 to the gorge and then down to Taos is there a way through Taos that isn't through down town? I've never been through Taos when there wasn't a lot of traffic. We'd be through there on a week day but probably late afternoon.

OFace: yikes!

Lee, yes there is a way through, but I don't know how busy main street Taos will be on a weekday afternoon. From 64, maybe 1/4 mile before you get to 522, go South on Blueberry Hill Rd. Follow that south all the way to 240. Make a right and follow that around to the light at 68. Turn south and you are out of town. We've used that route many times, when Taos is super busy.

We did a similar route a couple of years back. 434 is definitely a cool road, if it's the one I remember. It follows a small stream, correct AJ? Often times with no center stripe? Instead of turning off to 518, we went straight to Las Vegas. Although you have to go on I-25 back to SF, it's still a beautiful stretch of interstate.

Jeff, 434 is the route through Black Lake, along a stream. You're remembering the right road. The pavement is better now.

HRZ....would like some more info on a stretch in NM if you are still here.

How is 165 that connects I-25 to 14? Also, the road up to Sandia Peak? Paved?


The Crest Road is paved. It's a ton of fun, but donot go too early in the morning. It's 20-30° cooler at the top than in Albuquerque or the bottom at 14.

I wouldn't ride my FJR on 165. Was just there a while back and it's pretty beat up from the rain and winter. It is NOT paved except for about 10 feet near Peralta and 100 feet off of Crest road.

If you're going to ride the Crest, let me know.

Thanks again for the info on these NM roads.

So, if going to the crest we'd be on paved road if we came in from the south, from 14. I was hoping for a paved road that connected I-25 with 14 so we could hit Madrid on the way back to Santa Fe after doing a counterclockwise loop out to Jemez Springs.

This will be in mid-September. So, it may very well be cold on the crest.

It would take you longer to take 165 than it will take you to take 550 to I25 and run south to I40. Take I40 east to MM172 which is the Tijeras/Cedar Crest exit. Go north on N14 to the Crest Road. It's only 14 miles from the Shell Station to the top, so 28 total.

Used to be one could park at the Crest and take some pictures. This last year, they started charging for parking, which is just stupid. I wouldn't get off my bike for that. The park service can suck it.

So, once you reach the top, high five each othe, turn around and run back down. At N14, make a left and ride to Madrid for lunch at the Mineshaft Tavern. That ride is only a half hour. Eat, and then a half hour to Santa Fe.

Easy peesy...I've run that exact route more times than I can count, and I'll do it again in Sept if you call.

Thanks, once again, for the info. I may continue to pick your brain on these loops that are in the current plan.

If we don't deviate from the plan (and deviating is not necessarily a bad thing) we'll be nearing the end of our day for the ride to the crest, Madrid, etc. By taking 165 I was trying to avoid getting too close to ABQ but it sounds like that isn't going to be a problem.


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