Roady Remover

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The Endless Font of Useless Knowledge...
Jun 24, 2005
Reaction score
Friendswood, TX
I posted this on the old board, as the conclusion to something I was working on... but figured someone on this board might be interested as well....

NOTE: Very long, verbose, and picture laden post follows... enter at your own risk!

Ok, so I bought a Roady2, and wanted to mount it on my bike… so far, so good. Looked around, and found the clutch cover mount made by Hoon Hardware Hoon Hardware


… seems like a perfect solution. The hoon bracket mounts to the Delphi provided C clip which mates into 2 grooves on the top and bottom of the Roady2 receiver box.



The C clip screws into the Hoon bracket, and everything goes onto the clutch cover


… end of story…

But wait, what if I want to get off the bike, and take the receiver with me. Let’s just pop that sucker off there… mmmm… urghhhhhh… oooofffffffffff… come offa there you little piece of *&@*&^#@%&.....!!!! >: >: >: >: Cr@p!.... Ok, let’s think about this for a second… somebody must have run into this before me… TO THE INTERNET!!!!! Cruise the forums… lets see… bring a screwdriver/knife… nah… use your fingernails…. Nope…. Heat it up and make it looser… actually, I want it to hold tight to keep it from falling off when I'm riding… well… looks like we’re on our own.

So what’s the problem? It comes down to leverage, or a lack thereof. Once you screw the C clip into the bracket, and clip the Roady in, you lose the ability to flex the clip, and there’s no real good way to get a grip of the top and bottom portions of the clip to pry them away from the Roady (and it doesn’t require much) for them to come apart. Ok, then the solution would seem to involve doing something to allow you to get some leverage. Hmmm some dusty neurons in my coconut are randomly firing about some ancient guy who said… give me a long enough lever and I can move the Earth… so for this, I just need a little bitty lever. Something like a thin piece of metal ought to do the trick… hmmmm sitting in the office… looking around… trying to think of what I could use… hey.. what about this ?!?!?!


Metal bookend… the long bottom part would fit the bill quite nicely….

Later that evening, back in the Batcave… its time to break out the tin snips… mark a line and cut away


… cool…


test fit looks about right too.


Now, there’s a bit of a lip on the bottom of the C clip… time for Dr. Dremel to help us out…


that looks about right. Now, lets get a nice bare metal surface on the metal plate. Dr. Dremel if you please…



Okey dokey. Now… for joining the two… how about some of this stuff?


Metal, plastic… 5 minutes… 1600 PSI… looks like what we need.


A bit of mixing, a liberal application, and some clamping…


let set 24 hours for good measure.

And Voila!



Now, with the push of a finger,



the bottom of the clip comes away from the Roady enough that it pops right out!


Shazaaam! Oh, and look …. The raincover that Hoon Hardware sells still fits over the Roady2 and the new thing-a-ma-bob.


Seems like just what I was looking for when I started this effort!


I’m sure somebody could manufacture a C clip that incorporated a longer tab, but I’ll leave that to someone else. I’m an idea guy…

Note: I was subsequently made aware that another inventive individual used industrial Velcro on the bracket and C clip to allow the Roady and clip to come free of the bracket, which would seem to work as well....

A quick follow-up...

The lever seems to be working as hoped, after about 100 miles of riding, it's solid as a rock and the Roady won't budge if you don't push the tab, but comes out easy-peasy once you push the tab down. :good:
