Roady XT and GPS

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Jun 26, 2005
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Does anyone have any experience with the current Roady XT (from XMRadio) working next to a GPS in close proximity? The original Roady transmitted interference with the GPS and needed to be sent off to the factory for shielding before they would run side by side. I don’t what to go through that again and I thought I would ask the question before upgrading. Thanks.


I have my Roady XT leaning on my Garmin Rino GPS and haven't had any problems. The Roady antenna is right behind them both, so that seems ok, too. All mounted on the left bar/left brake reservoir. Going to add an Escort X50 there, too.

Garmin 2730 is GPS & XM in one unit. Being satillite connected also traffic and weather updates. TJ
