Roady XT-Install Questions

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Well-known member
Oct 26, 2005
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Rochester, NY
Friends-With new Satelite products /Models coming out,a lot of our local electronic stores are promoting

the Roady XT.I looked at it while @ Wally World & this thing is tiny. The first ? is does that thing have an

audio out ?to go to my Chatterbox stereo headphones ? & The second ? is has any body had any experience w/mounting it ? I was not able to see how the unit went into the "cradle" becuase it was in a blister package.

Would I be somewhat correct in thinking that a Stem stand type of mount would work Ok ? Thanks in advance for your feed back. Sliick2

I haven't recieved it yet but I also ordered the roady xt and that holder for the bike from cycle gadgets. Looking forword to getting them. They said the holder they have for the roadies will hold all generation roadies. (If I read the product description right) Its a slick mount.

I took a small piece of .025 aluminum and bent it over the clutch reservoir. It's as wide as the clutch lid on the top and angles down about as wide as the RoadyXT. I drilled and countersunk 2 holes to match the clutch lid, and mounted the Roady swivel mount and cradle to the face of the plate. It works great.

DocThrock's XM Radio Mount



Only problem with the RoadyXT is that it does NOT lock to the cradle like the SkyFi. I hit a bump on the interstate and mine came flying out of the cradle and was destroyed. Whatever mount you use, you may want to make some type of retention device. A rubber band would even work

BTW, I bought mine at Walmart for right at $50 off the shelf.

There is a 3.5mm audio out jack, as well as FM closecast on the Roady. I use an MP3 player in my pocket to receive the transmittion via FM from the Roady to my Etymotic ER6i's. That way I'm not tethered to the bike. The sound quality is reduced (due to the FM), but still adequate.

I placed the tiny magnetic antenna over the clutch lid. One of the steel screws is enough to hold the antenna. I have since added a radar detector to a similar mount on the brake res lid, and moved the antenna over there.

I don't have the roady but a Sirius Xact (I think it was $39.00 at Circuit City) that I mounted on a techmount stem stand. I use the bracket with the suction cups that came with the unit for windshield mount in a vehicle and when I'm on the bike I remove one of the suction cups, run a 1/4" x 3/4" brass screw through the hole and have it secured with a plastic wing nut. The 3 suction cups that are left on the bracket suck up to the top of the techmount nicely and provide some vibration great. When I need it for the truck I pop the suction cup back in and I'm done.




I don't know if you can quite make it out in this picture but the small attachment to the clutch fluid reservoir is a small volume control that I can operate with my thumb (Radio Shack part #42-2559). Sorry for the quality of the pics....a photographer I am not.


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Axeman - I am leaving Jacksonville, Florida for Americade next Friday and I am about ready to pull the trigger on a Sirius radio unit and programming package (I like talk radio, NFL, Nascar in 2007, all kinds of music). It seems like the life membership with Sirius is the best package deal - what is your opinion? I currently use a MP3 player b uilt into my GPS but I want more variety with less effort on my part. The Americade trip will be about 3500 miles round trip and I use the autocom with a MIX-IT unit attached and I want to get a radio rigged up before I leave - do you like the unit you have? Why that unit? A lot of features or just a basic unit?

Sorry for too many questions but like I said tonight or tomorrow I will make the purchase - And one last question - Sirius seems like best choice for me - would you pick Sirius again or XM?


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I've had Sirius pretty much since its inception and really like it alot. I can't, however, compare it to XM...they are probably comparable. I would check the fine print on the lifetime deal with Sirius because I seem to remember that you can only replace the unit a certain number of times during the contract. For me, I am pretty rough on the hardware and have had three units in the past 4 years so this wouldn't work for me. I am on a 2 year contract right now and I think they offer 1 free month for every additonal year that you sign. I chose the Xact because of the price and the lack of useless bells and whistles. If the unit shits the bed I don't feel like I'm out a whole lot of money. The display can be changed (artist, artist and song title, stream title, and it can be inverted), and you have station presets....what more do you need. XM or Sirius, I don't think you could go wrong with either one. Good luck with your trip and have fun.

Axeman - Thanks for the reply - I agree with you on the lifetime plan so I will start out with just a yearly plan and see how it works out - I also will get a unit like yours as I probably will enjoy making radio changes on a regular basis (and depending on financial status at the time). I have read both about Sirius and XM and both have their good points and weaker points. Your input has firmed up my decision and your pictures of mounting have given me some mounting ideas - Heck, I ought to send you a comission for all the help you have been! But don't sit by the mailbox waiting for money!!!

Thanks again :)

I decided to dive in and get an XM radio for the bike. I usually run Ety ER6i's off my MP3 player, and was thinking I could just plug them into the Roady XT output connector. Tried it, but the sound was less than ideal -- very flat, with no way to adjust bass or treble. Running the XT's FM xmitter and using the FM receiver on my MP3 player improved the situation, but when doing that you're using the lowest fidelity output option from the XT, and it sounds a bit muddy. I picked up a MyFi instead, which was designed to have headphones plugged into it directly, unlike the XT. Much better.

Just a heads up in case anyone else is considering a Roady with earplugs direct connected.

I decided to dive in and get an XM radio for the bike. I usually run Ety ER6i's off my MP3 player, and was thinking I could just plug them into the Roady XT output connector. Tried it, but the sound was less than ideal -- very flat, with no way to adjust bass or treble. Running the XT's FM xmitter and using the FM receiver on my MP3 player improved the situation, but when doing that you're using the lowest fidelity output option from the XT, and it sounds a bit muddy. I picked up a MyFi instead, which was designed to have headphones plugged into it directly, unlike the XT. Much better.
Just a heads up in case anyone else is considering a Roady with earplugs direct connected.
You sure you had the Ety's plugged in all the way? I plug mine direct into the Roady and the sound is FABULOUS. In fact, it is very LOUD, too, and I run the Roady on level 1 (Level 6 on FM, though). I think I've been guilty of not getting the plug in all the way, and you could hear it, but it sucked.

Really, the sound from my RoadyXT is almost as good as the high quality MP3's I play through my Creative Zen Nano. Something's got to be wrong. I'm no audiophile, but I can tell you my ER6i's sound exceptionally good directly through both units, but slightly degraded listening to XM over FM from the Roady through the Zen Nano.

Give it another try. Something doesn't sound right... pun intended..... ;)

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I decided to dive in and get an XM radio for the bike. I usually run Ety ER6i's off my MP3 player, and was thinking I could just plug them into the Roady XT output connector. Tried it, but the sound was less than ideal -- very flat, with no way to adjust bass or treble. Running the XT's FM xmitter and using the FM receiver on my MP3 player improved the situation, but when doing that you're using the lowest fidelity output option from the XT, and it sounds a bit muddy. I picked up a MyFi instead, which was designed to have headphones plugged into it directly, unlike the XT. Much better.

Just a heads up in case anyone else is considering a Roady with earplugs direct connected.
You sure you had the Ety's plugged in all the way? I plug mine direct into the Roady and the sound is FABULOUS. In fact, it is very LOUD, too, and I run the Roady on level 1 (Level 6 on FM, though). I think I've been guilty of not getting the plug in all the way, and you could hear it, but it sucked.

Really, the sound from my RoadyXT is almost as good as the high quality MP3's I play through my Creative Zen Nano. Something's got to be wrong. I'm no audiophile, but I can tell you my ER6i's sound exceptionally good directly through both units, but slightly degraded listening to XM over FM from the Roady through the Zen Nano.

Give it another try. Something doesn't sound right... pun intended..... ;)

They were definitely plugged all the way in, both in my ears and into the XT jack. I run cored out yellow foam earplugs in place of the original Ety ones, which actually helps the bass a bit. Been using them for almost a year.

The problem wasn't with volume level, in fact I had to turn the XT output level down to 2. There just wasn't enough bass, and just a bit too much treble.

The verdict's still out on the MyFi. The sound quality is good, but I don't have the powerlet to cigarette lighter adapter yet, so I had to use a portable 12-110v inverter on a long trip recently, with the MyFi wall charger plugged into it. The MyFi didn't seem to like it, powering itself down 2x for no reason. The first time I was able to turn it back on and run it for another hour, the 2nd time it wouldn't come back up until I got it home and plugged it into the wall charger with no inverter. If I have similar problems running it off the cigarette lighter plug it's going back to the store.

I've got an older Roady 2 that I've been using for a couple yrs. Made a brkt. myself for mounting. I also use this volume adjuster from Radio Suck er, I mean Shack. It works great just don't let it get wet. Jerry

