Room Sharing

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Ok, I have a poor mans request. I will be bringing up a sleeping bag and a tent if I have to because I had to spend most of my trip budget on some family things and I have been waiting to go since last September. Since I am bringing a sleeping bag I was wondering if anyone will let me sleep on the floor of their room at the hotel. If anyone wants to that would be awesome, and a great help. Otherwise, I will come, and I will throw up a tent in the parking lot and it will be great.

I am trailering the bike up with Jeff Ashe on thurs and leaving monday i think is what he said.




As entertaining as it would be to watch the hotel deal with a tent on the front lawn, can't let ya do that... Requested floor space is available (use of the shower & crapper will cost ya)!

I'll be in thrusday, leaving sunday or monday (not sure, yet). PM me for contact info.


Ok, I have a poor mans request. I will be bringing up a sleeping bag and a tent if I have to because I had to spend most of my trip budget on some family things and I have been waiting to go since last September. Since I am bringing a sleeping bag I was wondering if anyone will let me sleep on the floor of their room at the hotel. If anyone wants to that would be awesome, and a great help. Otherwise, I will come, and I will throw up a tent in the parking lot and it will be great.
I am trailering the bike up with Jeff Ashe on thurs and leaving monday i think is what he said.


I may be needing to find a non-snoring, non-smoking roommate also. Planning to stay Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights. Ping me if interested.

I figured that I'd start a new thread for the folks that might like to find a roommate for EOM weekend.
I myself would like to have a roomy to share expenses with. I'd prefer another woman or a guy that I already know & I'm buddies with. I think that I'd feel comfortable with that.

Otherwise, being the odd woman out, I'll be rooming alone.... which is probably how it will end up... which will probably be the best thing for me. I drink & snore.

Anyhoo, let the roomy searching begin............
Gee wiz Luvvy, I wasn't going to EOM, but the promise of sharing a room with a durnk and snoring FJR Babe has me giving it second thoughts. That room is a single with a round bed and a jakuzzi right?

You were looking for door prizes, you might want to add that to the list.

If you could add farting to the list I'm there!

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[Gee wiz Luvvy, I wasn't going to EOM, but the promise of sharing a room with a durnk and snoring FJR Babe has me giving it second thoughts. That room is a single with a round bed and a jakuzzi right?
You were looking for door prizes, you might want to add that to the list.

If you could add farting to the list I'm there!
C'mon down Ramblin'! I'd be glad to add smoker to that list of lovelies... just for you. Sorry to disappoint about the farting. I try not to do that in front of people. Ya' know... sumthin' about that makes me feel... funny. Gotta' draw the line somewhere.

I have not sprung for the round bed and jacuzzi. Will you settle for a mint on your pillow? Maybe you'd rather a set of earplugs on your pillow for the snoring that you'd no doubt experience.

If anyone has a room w/ an extra bed and is willing to share, please let me know (PM).

I've made the big decision to go and even got clearance from my SO AND my boss!

Plan on going down on Thursday and returning on Monday.

Please PM me so I can begin to relax.

I've been told I snore, but I have plenty of extra ear plugs in the bike.

Will you settle for a mint on your pillow? Maybe you'd rather a set of earplugs on your pillow for the snoring that you'd no doubt experience.
I think he was looking for something more on the order of a candelabra on the piano.

...or is that tulips on the organ? hmmmmmm..... :p

I may have a room to share.

I am waiting on Renegade to find out if he can make it or not (work)

Anyone looking, PM me come Thursday as he should know Wed.

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I am looking to share a room, Thur, Fri, Sat. I just was able to get off work for the EOM. PM me

Scott Maire

LaGrange KY

dont smoke or snore

I have a room avail if anyone needs to share. PM me
I am Thurs through Sunday
I highly recommend Kevin as a roomie. He doesn't snore that I recall, doesn't smoke, or smell bad either.

After a few drinks, he does like to cuddle though...

At the last minute my dad elected to come, so that forces me into a situation where I do have to share with someone that snore's like a bear. :glare:

See you in WV

I have a room avail if anyone needs to share. PM me
I am Thurs through Sunday
I highly recommend Kevin as a roomie. He doesn't snore that I recall, doesn't smoke, or smell bad either.

After a few drinks, he does like to cuddle though...

At the last minute my dad elected to come, so that forces me into a situation where I do have to share with someone that snore's like a bear. :glare:

See you in WV
Shyeah, right. Try that one on someone who doesn't know him.

Nevermind. I have a roomy now and he canceled his single. So a room has opened up today if needed.

EDIT: 9/12/07 - room is taken. Thanks. -wr

Anyone still looking to split a room, I have an extra bed now for thursday through sunday. PM or email me

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Non-smoker is looking for some-one with a room to share. Planning to arrive Thursday and leave on Sunday. Dick Meyer
