Rotating the bike in the garage

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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I've been spinning my 04 FJR on the centerstand since I bought it new and also my 83 Venture since new in 83. No problems on either one. The Venture is easier to spin because it is more evenly balanced.


Whatever you guys do, don't suggest any of this stuff to the guys that keep tipping otheir bikes over due to the "malfunctioning" sidestands. :dribble:

How about building the garage so you can ride in / ride out? I mean, come on....everyone needs a new storage space for the toys.


I have been rebuilding a wrecked 05 this winter and have used both a square carpet sample under the center stand as well as a carpet remnant that runs the full length of the bike. The bike turns a little easier on the carpet sample than the remnant, but I find both to have worked very well to slide and turn the bike well on its center stand.

Not enough room for a wheelie & spin it on the back wheel? :yahoo:

Seriously....what about a thin piece of polished wood, about 2' square, maybe 1/4 ply varnished, then a piece of carpet on top of that (upside down). Put the stand down on that and it should spin easily.

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