Rotella not good?

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Little story.

I told him I've been using $20 a GALLON Shell Rotella for the last 100,000 miles. Everything from 0w-50 on up. Engine still purrs like a kitten, original clutch, burns no oil. The only time I use synth is when I'm doing a LONG trip so I don't have to change the oil mid-trip.

"Give your damn head a shake" I said to him. All the rest of the card-carrying members of the Harley pot-bellied festival were all up in arms and filling his head full of horror stories about a guy they knew who didn't use the proper oil... Then the started in on me as I obviously don't know what the **** I'm talking about (combined, these guys ride 5000 miles a year) because I don't ride a bike produced by THE Motor Company.
5,000 mile a year combined. Wow! Musta been a least 50 of em standing around.
See, ya do know them!

Little story.

I told him I've been using $20 a GALLON Shell Rotella for the last 100,000 miles. Everything from 0w-50 on up. Engine still purrs like a kitten, original clutch, burns no oil. The only time I use synth is when I'm doing a LONG trip so I don't have to change the oil mid-trip.

"Give your damn head a shake" I said to him. All the rest of the card-carrying members of the Harley pot-bellied festival were all up in arms and filling his head full of horror stories about a guy they knew who didn't use the proper oil... Then the started in on me as I obviously don't know what the **** I'm talking about (combined, these guys ride 5000 miles a year) because I don't ride a bike produced by THE Motor Company.
5,000 mile a year combined. Wow! Musta been a least 50 of em standing around.
See, ya do know them!
Can't help but know them.

Flat and boring Central Illinois, we're infested with them.

I changed my oil last night. All I had in the garage was some Rotella T and a little bit of Mobil 1 synthetic. I was really worried about using the Rotella T based on the comments in this thread. So I mixed a little bit of the Mobil 1 with the Rotella T in a ratio of 1:10 and presto!........ The Rotella T is now perfect. When I started the bike it ran better than ever. I think I could "actually" feel the difference. It definitely handled better in the corners and it looks like my mileage may significantly improve as well. I know I took a huge risk mixing a dino oil with a synthetic but I wanted to do this for the FJR "community". Finally I am able to give back to those that have helped me in the past. I am not responsible if you decided to try this for yourself and remember the ratio of Rotella T to Mobil 1 is crtical. Get it wrong and all kinds of internal bits will be destroyed.

I changed my oil last night. All I had in the garage was some Rotella T and a little bit of Mobil 1 synthetic. I was really worried about using the Rotella T based on the comments in this thread. So I mixed a little bit of the Mobil 1 with the Rotella T in a ratio of 1:10 and presto!........ The Rotella T is now perfect. When I started the bike it ran better than ever. I think I could "actually" feel the difference. It definitely handled better in the corners and it looks like my mileage may significantly improve as well. I know I took a huge risk mixing a dino oil with a synthetic but I wanted to do this for the FJR "community". Finally I am able to give back to those that have helped me in the past. I am not responsible if you decided to try this for yourself and remember the ratio of Rotella T to Mobil 1 is crtical. Get it wrong and all kinds of internal bits will be destroyed.
That mixture works fine for bikes registered north of the 49th parallel. South of that, the Exxon/Mobil police will arrest you, impound your bike, and hand you over to the Feds for transfer to Gitmo.

You have been warned.

Before the Internet I used the same oil in everything, never exploded or anything. 55 gallon drum of 20/40 Valvoline or Castrol.

Motorcycles, lawnmower, truck, race cars..........

I ran the Rotella for about 500 miles. It didn't seem to shift as smooth, so I went back to the Mobile 1.

All is well again.

I don't know.... But I can state with reasonable certainty that Hot Rod Zilla is a dink..

AND....................... The dumbing down of this joint is a rousing sucess.

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I don't know.... But I can state with reasonable certainty that Hot Rod Zilla is a dink..
Dude, you need to turn on your's "Hot Rod Zilla is a DICK."

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I was going to respond to you two idiots with something derogatory, but decided that I would not let you bring me down to your level. Besides, I don't need Galaxy Blue getting all Ban Hammer on me, now that Bust has riled him up.


Fred W. uses Rotella. Need I say more?
Actually I don't (anymore). I was using it but then Wally decided too many people were going for their cheap diesel oil and raised the price. Now I use good ole' Mobil1 15W50. Because it is a 5 quart bottle it works out to be cheaper than 5W40 Rotella now.

I did get one extra benny out of the change... Previously, I was burning a little oil between changes. Nothing to worry about, after all my engine has > 80k miles on it now. So topping it up in the sight glass once or twice per 5k miles is no big deal IMO. Well, with the 15W50 it seems to have stopped or considerably slowed the loss. Sweet!

Keep it up fuktools I see # 10 on the horizion.

Rule 10. Off topic threads and thread hijacking in any area except Jokes & Fun Stuff, Completely Off Topic, or NEPRT are inapropriate. Admins reserve the right to move or remove them as needed.

It's all good here...

I just checked back in on the madness here after a month. Was actually thinking this my have gotten somewhere?... But, I see it's in full violation of Ocean-11 (the oil platform where they harvest the crude that eventuality becomes RotellaT)

I'm sending in the crude cops

You guys are lucky I've been listening to Cat Stevens, Bufallo Springfield, Dave Grusin, and Etta James today.

If I've been listening to Metallica, Godsmack, NIN, and Iron Maiden, I'd have reminded everyone not to devolve the kidding around into an actual flame war.

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I'd have reminded everyone not to devolve the kidding around into an actual flame war.
Which reminds me that Rotella T synthetic is a wonderful accelerant for starting fires. You just would not believe how hot and bright that synthetic stuff burns. I simply will not light a stump on fire until I have changed the oil in my Duramax.

He's not living in California or Washington. He lives in the same state as Duck Dynasty...anything goes!
