Routing Difficulties w/2610

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Well-known member
Jun 27, 2005
Reaction score
Hagerstown, MD
I'm trying to program a route into the 2610. I want to take a specific route from "A" to "B" (Skyline Drive). Everytime I program a "VIA" point it takes me on other roads (always major highways). I've tried "shortest distance" and "faster time" options with no luck. Has anyone actually programed in a route and added via points to keep to back roads etc...???? Thanks, Tracy...

Yep I use way points. Its easier on the computer to plan a route then load into the 2610. I struggle with the technology. I have talked to a few that use it all the time and say its very easy once you get the way to do it. I get the same when auto routing. I like to stay away from I-80 and go 680. so I just put in a city, exit or intersection. Or sometimes I just start riding and the thing just takes me there.

You can also change the routing to account for your road preferences. If you change custom road preferences to Minor or Medium it should keep your route on the Skyline drive. Go to setup, then the routing tab, and bottom left is Custom Road Prefs.

Otherwise, try using more via points along the route.


+1 stryg8r

I have a 2730 and have the same difficulty using Mapsource software. If you set your custom preferences to "Fastest Route," the GPS will always try to route you to the nearest superslab for the "Fastest Route."

The way to overcome this is to use as many "waypoints" along the route you chose to "force" the GPS to navigate from one waypoint to the next w/out routing to a faster route.

Hope this helps.

I'm having the same problem; I'll try adding more waypoints. It's just the damn software doesn't sing to me. I don't find it intuitive at all. But then, I'm an old green-screen AS/400 RPG programmer. Of course Windows apps don't sing to me.

I'm having the same problem; I'll try adding more waypoints. It's just the damn software doesn't sing to me. I don't find it intuitive at all. But then, I'm an old green-screen AS/400 RPG programmer. Of course Windows apps don't sing to me.
I remember when RPG-II was the new, cool, thing.

I haven't thought about RPG in ages, but it looks like we're up to at least RPG-IV now?
