RTE in memory of JR

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Had a great sandwich, saw some old friends, met some new friends, and had a good time. I think I had the shortest ride, since it is only about 25 miles from my house.

Yeah,kinda neat to talk to some of the guys who road with John - some interesting stories. Joe - my ride was a little longer - about 350 miles, but on the Hondapotamus it was purty easy. I missed the big ass storm that came through Chicago Sat afternoon, but I bet Rick got caught in it. Get wet Rick?

I dunno, Joe. I think our ride there was a bit shorter.

The ride home, though, was longer.
We took 93 south to 30, then over to 3 towards Columbus. Easey-peasey.

It was good seeing you and griff. Sooze and I realized just how non-LD riders we truly are.

I had a bit longer of a ride :) about 460 miles from Brooklyn NY but right after lunch I rode down to Greenbelt Maryland for a gathering. So about 814 miles before the dinner :)

I had a bit longer of a ride
about 460 miles from Brooklyn NY but right after lunch I rode down to Greenbelt Maryland for a gathering. So about 814 miles before the dinner
I gotta give you credit...I don't think I could handle that much slab in one day...But I may find out, on my ride to NAFO this year... that will be 800 miles each way.

I had a bit longer of a ride
about 460 miles from Brooklyn NY but right after lunch I rode down to Greenbelt Maryland for a gathering. So about 814 miles before the dinner
I gotta give you credit...I don't think I could handle that much slab in one day...But I may find out, on my ride to NAFO this year... that will be 800 miles each way.
I do at least this much every time I come down across the border... Even SE Ohio is 650+ miles
