The rubber gromit around my windshield track is hanging loose (genII) <_< . Anybody have experience with technique on fixing this before I tear into it. I put it in the shop (dealership) twice and asked that this be fixed while it was there, but the doofus that runs that particular shop does not seem to care about anything outside of normal maintenance and always "forgets" to get it fixed. :angry2:
Fixed mine this winter.
It's a real PIA, because you have to remove everything in the upper fairing except the headlight just to get to it so it can be re-glued. You need to remove the gages, wind shield drive assem., mirrors, etc., and that's after you get the upper fairing on the bench.
I used black weatherstrip adhesive to glue it back after cleaning both the rubber and the fairing.
I also have a service manual, which was a big help, and I would recommend using one.
It isn't that hard, but it is very time consuming.
Good luck