Rules for Life

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If you cull your f**k, sooner or later, you'll end up f**king your cull.

Here are a couple of tongue in cheek:
#2 - Never pass up an opportunity to make love with the beautiful woman who is the love of your life!

#3 - Never pass up an opportunity to pee.

#4 - Never pass up an opportunity to get fuel.

And #1 (and with #2 the second serious rule of life and probably the most important)..............

#1 - SHOW UP!

I follow this rule:

Just live... 'cause life's too damned short.

Treat others exactly the way you want to be treated.

(That should satisfy "not" violating Guideline #2)

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My grandfather always said that if he died with a penny left to his name and a bullet left in his gun he screwed up. Grab life by the handles and live it like you have only one go at it. While you are able, make memories so you have something to talk about in the 'locker room' once you can no longer continue do things. In the mean time he did so many tremendously good things for the community that his deeds live on even though he is gone. He gave more than he took from life, and the giving meant more to him than the taking. He left at 99 years and 364 days, and left a mark on life every one of those days.

No one on their death bed ever said "I wish I'd spent more time at work".

I would only add a quote from John Lennon.

" life is what happens to you while you are making other plans"

and I say enjoy every effing moment you can

picked up a dash of food poisoning weekend before last. DonaldB's has been my motto ever since.

see that place?

it's where i sat.

went to fart.

instead i shat!

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#1 - Don't piss off the people who fix your food

#2 - No chick is ugly when your dick is in her mouth

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Never assume anything.

Know and understand your enemy, (fear, cagers, lions, tigers, and bears) and overcome them.

To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women!

Conan the Barbarian

Zoltan :D
