Russell Day Long Vs Corbin

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Had Corbin on Connie for 50k and had no problem with long term confort.
I'm 6-2 and about 215, had corbin on a connie for about 45K and thought I was riding on a brick. 'Ol lady said the same. We both agree that stock FJR seat feels better than the Corbin by about 50%. I'm not saying this to diss your opinion, just throwing in my .02 to show how subjective this can be. One man's feast is another man's famine. Go figure.
I'm eventually looking to replace stock FJR seat, but still undecided. Definitely reading this thread with interest! :punk:


"""I'm 6-2 and about 215, had corbin on a connie for about 45K and thought I was riding on a brick. 'Ol lady said the same. We both agree that stock FJR seat feels better than the Corbin by about 50%. I'm not saying this to diss your opinion, just throwing in my .02 to show how subjective this can be. One man's feast is another man's famine. Go figure."""

No offense taken. When I find something I like I tend to stick with it. I do like the look of the Corbin-- within the lines of the FJR.

Subjected asses must really account for 90% of the variance in terms of how long one can ride without so much discomfort that the ride becomes unpleasurable. For me the stock seat after an hour in the saddle causes burning and pain in the sensitive areas. Perhaps due somewhat to wearing Levi's at the time. I switched seats and pants at the same time. (Not good experimental technique). Now only wear First Gear pants (in hot weather--its 107 today in Green Valley) and have not been troubled with heat problems. Not so with Levi's which seemed to collect heat.

Back to the Corbin, however, there are a hell of a lot of Corbin's out there in service. I guess the hardness issue IS really a matter of personal taste/feel. What is funny however I cannot sit in a hard straight back chair for over an hour, but can ride a "hard" Corbin all day. Go figure.

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Something else to consider when you are feeling pain in the arse...SEAMS...

its amazing how much a little fold of cloth can ruin a day of riding. I have some Firstgear Mesh pants over some LD shorts. I was almost ready to get my Mayer seat re-done when I changed my riding apparel. What a difference :D

Happy as a clam :lol:

Wifee and I just got back from WVA,1300+ mi.-3days.She had not done more than short trips in 5 yrs.(youngest daughter born.)She never even mentioned a sore butt or asked to stop because of it.Take it for what it's worth,me,I love my day-long.

I suffered on the Corbin on my ST1100, but the Russell Day Long solved my butt-burn. This is a seat that came on my 03 FJR when I bought it used. On the ride home from Tucson I made 800 miles in 14 hours with only the aches from 3 hours at a time on the bike, but no posterior pain.

Speed, grab your seat (if the maker requires your pan), jump on a plane and have a fellow FJR rider meet you there. If you use risers, bring those too. Trust me, if you plan on keeping the bike any length of time, your 'seat' will thank you!
Shasta Lake? Who lives closest to there? Redding the closest reasonable airport?

Sorry about dredging up the old post, but this sounds crazy enough that it might work! :crazy:
