Russell Day Long

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2005
Reaction score
the same seat size has the 2005 model???

If I get the new 2006 I want to transfer my Russell Day long seat to the new bike.



I wanted to ask one more thing.

Do you guys ride with highbeam lights on during the day?

I do but I noticed I get a lot of dirty looks from cars. I know its bright and I'm glad that cars see me but I wonder if I'm pissing everyone off.

Personally, I do not ride with high beams on during the daylight hours.

Me neither. I have a headlight modulator and use it when needed, but not on the interstate when I;ve cruising along behind someone for any length of time and not when pulling up behind someone at a stop light/sign.

BTW: My low beam on one side finally died on my 2003. This is the first set of Philips Vision +50 bulbs installed on an FJR that I know of. Installed in Jan of 2003. Not bad for any of the "brighter" types of halogen bulbs.

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the same seat size has the 2005 model???
If I get the new 2006 I want to transfer my Russell Day long seat to the new bike.


Prevailing opnion is that the seats will not be interchangable.

I too ride with highbeams on during the day. Too many idiots in this town pulling out in front of me. I'd rather have an angry cager than a dead me! I think it makes them (cagers) think you are closer than you are and may sway them from pulling out in front of you. My 2 cents. Then again I aint got no cents. B)

Heck, when I'm in commute traffic, I have my driving lights on, too. They may be aggravated, but many times they have pulled back into their own lane rather than pulling in front of me. Oh dang!

However, when I am following close behind a car, I will turn the driving lights need to punish that driver, merely influence the idiots who check their mirrors at the last moment.
