Sad News About Big Sky

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I suppose there is some consolation in the "knowing". I hope the family finds peace soon and I hope they know how much we at this forum cared for their loved one.

This is something that Cole shared with me in a PM after he read one of my ride reports:

"Pants, sometimes a posting like yours may not get a lot of reaction because readers are just slain by it and don't know how to react. I'd be curious how many PMs it generates. For me, you bared a lot of heart, soul and guts. And, man, that's the essence of good writing!

You are an amazing individual. That took a lot of soul for you to be able to share your story. And love. There is inspiration here - and lessons - for all of us. Thanks!"

Knowing he is a professional writer, and writes about riding motorcycles, this touched my heart more than I can say.

Before the start of this thread, who saw this coming? Not me, for sure.

My leg is not 100%. But I can hold the bike up and ride it safely. And on Friday, I'm leaving for 3,000 miles. Why?

Because we don't get to decide....

Aw, damn it. So very sad.

Cole and I communicated, initially via the forum, and later via email, over the past several years. It started when I initiated taking up the collection to repair Patriot's broken engine, which struck a chord with Cole. We exchanged philosophies and ideas about life and living, all of which it turned out we were in total agreement on, and we even talked about our common bikes once in a great while, (he also had both a Vstrom and an FJR) though not really that much. Mostly it was other stuff.

My wife and I made a special point to stop in Butte one night of our vacation ride back in 2014, specifically so that we could meet up with him in person. For those of you who did not get the chance to meet him, Cole was exactly as precise, intelligent, insightful, and a true gentleman as he appeared to be online or in his writing. We only shared a few beers at his favorite watering hole at the edge of town, but I felt like I had already known him forever.

I am not ashamed to say that the words are getting blurry as I type this. Not for his loss, but rather for my own. Because I feel Cole lived his life to the fullest and wrung every bit of good from what time he had here. But I will not be able to see my friend again, as I have intended to.

Rest in peace, Cole. We will miss you.

Cole was a very giving person as others have mentioned. I never met Cole, but at the drop of the hat he offered his bike for our upcoming BC trip.

Cole's words...
"Wheaton, as I understand it, you are planning to spend $1,700 shipping your bike out and back? That seems crazy to me. Why not fly into Butte, MT (or Bozeman or Missoula, depending upon fares and connections), then use my FJR?...I could furnish a bed for your arrival and departure. I would make sure the bike was entirely road worthy for you, including rubber that would go at least 3K miles."

More of Cole's words...
"I believe in Karma. What goes around... If it all works out, maybe you could host Marilyn and I sometime - no expectations here, no quid pro quo! I have a brother who lives in Charlotte, NC who I like to visit. How far is that from you? We flew into Atlanta in 2014 and rented a '13 FJR in Marietta and rode 1,600 miles in 6.5 days in your awesome country (about $900 rent). I could stand to do that again!"

Now mind you I have never met Cole in my life...but this little window into his soul tells me all I needed to know. One quality dude. I grieve for his wife.

Well, as our PM conversation moved on, he was giving me all sorts of good advice and sent a magazine that I will ALWAYS keep, remembering his giving nature. I offered a few beers the next time we meet...

Cole's words..."Hope to collect my beers in 2016."

Well, we will never have those beers this side of heaven.

Ride on Cole...

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Cole and I only exchanged some PM's, and as you have described, he was a very generous spirit. My condolences to all, his friends and especially to his family.

Crap...Sort of speechless right now.

RIP, and I hope someone has contact with his family to let them know how sorry we are.


Crap...Sort of speechless right now.
RIP, and I hope someone has contact with his family to let them know how sorry we are.
I'd say something funny...but not appropriate in this post.

Again, it would be good to somehow have a link to caringbridge or whatever they are using at the funeral home.

BUTTE -- The body of a Butte man missing for more than a week was found Tuesday morning in the Jefferson River near Cardwell — 36 river miles from where he apparently fell in, authorities said.
A Whitehall area resident reported at 8:45 a.m. to 911 what appeared to be a body floating in the river, Madison County Sheriff Roger Thompson said Tuesday.
Responders from the Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks and law enforcement and search and rescue personnel from Jefferson and Madison counties arrived at the scene Tuesday morning. Cole Boehler was last seen at a family campsite on the banks of the Jefferson River in the Hell's Canyon area on April 30.
Boehler's body was retrieved by jet boat at 12:30 p.m., said the sheriff. An autopsy will be completed at the State Crime Lab in Missoula.
Boehler had been camping with family members at the time of his disappearance in the early-morning hours of April 30. A pair of shoes left on the riverbank provided the only clue that he may have fallen into the river.

More than 30 people from multiple search and rescue jurisdictions with search dogs, a variety of boats and divers responded to the Silver Star and Waterloo areas on Saturday to carry out an exhaustive search of the river and adjacent riverbanks, although searchers were at the river off and on all week.
"It's very unfortunate that this happened, but the family feels much better knowing Cole has been found and they have some closure now to move ahead," Thompson said.
Cole Boehler’s family issued the following statement Tuesday afternoon: “Our family would like to thank the many hard-working search-and-rescue crews, law enforcement personnel and friends who worked so tirelessly for us these past 10 days. Though our grief is heavy over the loss of Cole — a beloved husband, father, brother and friend — the recovery of his body does bring some closure, and will help us as we work through the healing process. Thank you, too, to all the great people, a good many of whom we do not even know, who have offered us help and prayers during this difficult time.
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Does anyone know if his estate receives proceeds from his book? I want to buy one and it would be comforting to know that it may help.
Me too, I'd like a copy... Amazon doesn't have it at the moment. I'll keep looking for it.

May his family always remember what a truly good man he was... and smile.

Sad news. Don't want to believe it, but sad news indeed. At least the family now has closure. RIP Cole.

Harsh word Tyler, but I totally agree.
My apologies... but it's the only thing that I could think of to sum it all up... just really sad. I really, really wanted this to have a different ending...
We all did Tyler, I meet him & his Mrs briefly when Pops bought his book at a MC show. Nice easy smile as I recall as was his Mrs.

May he rest in peace.

And may all who knew him rest knowing that he died living.

Does anyone know if his estate receives proceeds from his book? I want to buy one and it would be comforting to know that it may help.
Me too, I'd like a copy... Amazon doesn't have it at the moment. I'll keep looking for it.

May his family always remember what a truly good man he was... and smile.
Someone posted this link earlier. I didn't wait for an answer and ordered one today. Linky

Does anyone know if his estate receives proceeds from his book? I want to buy one and it would be comforting to know that it may help.
Me too, I'd like a copy... Amazon doesn't have it at the moment. I'll keep looking for it.

May his family always remember what a truly good man he was... and smile.
Someone posted this link earlier. I didn't wait for an answer and ordered one today. Linky
Good idea. Thanks for the link...I just bought a copy of Cole's book.

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