Saddle Bag Liners

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Oct 3, 2005
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According to one of Yamaha's employees here at the Daytona show durring Bike Week saddle bag liners will be standard with the 2006 Models. I haven't heard anywhere else if that is so. Anybody have any information about that?

Yeah, I know the boat sunk and all the bags are red and all that stuff.


Um, dude, saddle bag liners have been standard in the US since day one...

Bag liners were included when i PDP'd my 03 FJR, i believe you had to buy them with all other years & I do not believe they will be included with the 06's.

T-Staff is pulling someone's leg. Everyone got the bag liners. It was the least Mamma Yamma could do after detuning the model in 2004 and later years.

Sorry, my bad, i will be happy if they show up with my 06 one day.
